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Repost: ADO question
15/06/2001 18:42:17
15/06/2001 13:02:06
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The connection and command object's Execute method return a readonly recordset by default. Use the Open method with the cursortype set to adOpenStatic and the locktype set to adLockBatchOptimistic to get an RS that you can modify.

A trick I have used in the past is adding an extra field to the SQL statement that is based on a real table field but with a different name. This way when it comes back it has the necessary attributes for allowing updates. So, to your SQL add something like: "myTable.myRealField As myDummyField" and you will be able to update the field. Make sure that the data you want to put in fits the field size.

Once you add the extra field (and assuming this is an ASP VBScript) do:
Set oRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oRS.Open cSQLHist, oNNSS, 3, 4
>I'm not sure the length is an issue here.
>JCrescencio: yes it was a message typo
>I added the ADODB.Fields idea and took out the fake field
>from the query but now get a new error.
>Here is the code that gets me the error
>' oNNSS is the connection:
>Set oNNSS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
>oNNSS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
>' connection string is read from globa.asa
>oNNSS.ConnectionString = Application("NationalNet_ConnectionString")
>oNNSS.Mode = adModeReadWrite
>'(this is simplified from the original query -- less fields)
>' at this point cFrom and cTO are valid dates.
>' query returns proper record set (e.g. query is fine)
>' but we need to then add country name from another database
>' countries (and SRE and other info is already
>' copied from a recordset on another DB
>' to array aCountries using GetRows()
>cSQLHist = "select sre, bid, " & _
>      "CRAmount AS Credit, " & _
>      "DBAmount AS Debit " & _
>  "from NSHIST " & _
>  "where ProcDate between '" & cFrom & "' and '" & cTo & "'"
>Set oRS = oNNSS.Execute (cSQLHist)
>If oRS.EOF Then
>  ' message user here
>  ' clean up
>  Response.End
>end if
>oRS.Fields.Append "Country",adChar,12        'ERROR
>Error returned on the oRS.Fields.Append line is:
>ADODB.Fields error '800a0c93'
>The operation requested by the application is not allowed in this context.
>The following is the original code portion with the previous error:
>' find country name in array and populate column in report's record set
>' basically faking a sql join between two recordsets
>Do While Not oRS.EOF
>  for i = 0 to UBound(aCountries,2)
>    if trim(aCountries(1,i)) = trim(oRS.Fields("SRE").Value) Then
>      oRS.Fields("Country").Value = aCountries(4,i)    'ERROR
>      exit for
>    end if
>  next
>The Country value assignment returns "Errors found" w/o specifying the error(s)
>I am not an expert in ADO syntax so I'm sure I'm missing something simple here.
>All I need is to add the extra field to the existing recordset and populate it
>with the proper country name for the report.
>Any ideas?
>>Hi Alex. The length of the field in RS1 is not correct -- you are trying to store a value that is too long. ADO generates an error in this case, rather than simply truncating. Set the empty country field to a string of the proper length for the field.
>>BTW, if you are using a disconnected recordset, in ADO 2.0 or above, you don't need the "as country" fake-out... just use the field collection's append command (RS.Fields.Append "Country", adChar, XX) to create a new field, then throw your data in there.

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