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Verify Class Exist BEFORE Issue CREATEOBJECT
27/07/2001 12:07:21
Larry Rix
Larry Rix & Associates, Inc.
Westminster, Colorado, United States
26/07/2001 13:25:53
Larry Rix
Larry Rix & Associates, Inc.
Westminster, Colorado, United States
General information
Visual FoxPro
Classes - VCX
Thread ID:
Message ID:
Thank you all for excellent leads. This is the solution I finally landed upon:

1. Create a list of currently loaded class libraries using the SYS(2001,"CLASSLIB") function. Parse the return string to an array.

2. Traverse the library array and use the AVCXCLASSES to build a list of class for each library. Then look to see if the target class is in each library recursively.

I have pasted in my code for this below.

Thank you again.

Larry Rix

*)Method ..........: qlClassAvailable
* Class ...........: rCustom
* Version .........: 1.0
* Author...........: Larry Rix
* Date ............: 07/26/2001 - 13:11:13
* Notice ..........: Copyright (c) 2001 Financial Times Energy, All Rights Reserved.
* Compiler ........: Visual FoxPro 06.00.8961.00 for Windows
*)Description .....: Tests for the availability of a class in all currently loaded
*) ................: class libraries. If found, returns TRUE, FALSE otherwise.
*) ................:
*) ................:
*) ................:
*)Parameters ......: tcClassName
*) ................:
*) ................:
*) ................:
* Calling Samples .: llClassExists = THIS.qlClassAvailable("rCustom")
* .................:
* .................:
* Return Value(s) .: TRUE or FALSE
* .................:
* .................:
*]Changes .........: None

lparameters tcClassName

*-- Preconditions

*-- Main Routine

local llClassFound, lnLibraryCount, lnLibrary, lnClassCount, lcLibraryName
local lnClass, lcClassName, lcTestClassName
*-- One column for the vcx path and file name,
*-- and second column for the alias name.
local array laLibraryList[1,2]
*-- A list of classes with a VCX library.
local array laClassList[1,1]

store .null. to laClassList
lnLibraryCount = 0
lnLibrary = 0
lnClassCount = 0
lcClassName = alltrim(upper(tcClassName))
lcTestClassName = space(0)

llClassFound = .f.

*-- Parse the sys(2001) results into an array
= THIS.qaParseLibraryList(@laLibraryList)

*-- Count how many libraries we currently have in memory
lnLibraryCount = alen(laLibraryList,1)

for lnLibrary = 1 to lnLibraryCount

lcLibraryName = laLibraryList[lnLibrary,2]
lnClassCount = avcxclasses(laClassList, lcLibraryName)

for lnClass = 1 to lnClassCount

*-- Only if we find the class name in our VCX class list
*-- do we change our return flag to TRUE

lcTestClassName = alltrim(upper(laClassList[lnClass,1]))

if (( lcTestClassName == lcClassName ))
llClassFound = .t.



*-- Postconditions

return llClassFound

*)Method ..........: qaParseLibraryList
* Class ...........: rCustom
* Version .........: 1.0
* Author...........: Larry Rix
* Date ............: 07/26/2001 - 13:11:13
* Notice ..........: Copyright (c) 2001 Financial Times Energy, All Rights Reserved.
* Compiler ........: Visual FoxPro 06.00.8961.00 for Windows
*)Description .....: Parses the results of the sys(2001,"CLASSLIB") function
*) ................: and populates the arrayed list reference with the results.
*) ................:
*) ................:
*) ................:
*)Parameters ......: @taLibraryList
*) ................:
*) ................:
*) ................:
* Calling Samples .: local array laLibraryList[1,1]
* .................: = qaParseLibraryList(@laLibraryList)
* .................:
* Return Value(s) .: TRUE
* .................:
* .................:
*]Changes .........: none

lparameters taLibraryList

*-- Preconditions

*-- Main Routine

local lcLibraryString, lnItemCount, lnRow, lnSegmentSize
local lcSegmentString, lcVCXPath, lcAlias, lnAliasLength

*-- Obtain the list of libraries currently in memory
*-- (i.e., the result of SET CLASSLIB ... additive instruction).
*-- NOTE: We tack on a comma to the front of the list and then translate
*-- the string with the underscore character to make the list prep complete.
lcLibraryString = alltrim(sys(2001,"CLASSLIB")) + ","
lcLibraryString = strtran(lcLibraryString, ",", "_")

*-- Obtain the number of items in the delimited list (i.e. "_" count + 1)
lnItemCount = occurs("_", lcLibraryString)

*-- Re-DIM our arrayed list to the number of items. We need one column for
*-- the path and vcx name and then a second column for the alias name.
dimension taLibraryList[lnItemCount,2]

for lnRow = 1 to lnItemCount

lnSegmentSize = atc("_", lcLibraryString, 1) - 1

*-- Cull out the next entry (or first or last as the case might be)
*-- of our lcLibraryString so we can work with it.
*-- The string is in the form of "[Drive:Path\VCXFileName] AS [Alias]"
lcSegmentString = left(lcLibraryString,lnSegmentSize)

*-- Switch the spaces in the string (before and after the AS keyword)
*-- to "_" characters. This will mark the end of the drive path and alias.
lcSegmentString = strtran(lcSegmentString,"_",space(0))
lcSegmentString = strtran(lcSegmentString," ","_")

*-- Get our drive, path, and VCX file name from the segment string
lcVCXPath = left(lcSegmentString, (atc("_", lcSegmentString, 1) - 1) )

*-- Finally, get the alias name - Get the length first and then the string
lnAliasLength = len(lcSegmentString) - atc("_", lcSegmentString, 2)
lcAlias = right(lcSegmentString, lnAliasLength)

taLibraryList[lnRow,1] = lcVCXPath
taLibraryList[lnRow,2] = lcAlias

if (( lnRow < lnItemCount ))

lcLibraryString = right(lcLibraryString, (len(lcLibraryString) - lnSegmentSize - 2) )



*-- Postconditions


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