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LostFocus for the header control
16/09/2001 06:27:42
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Visual FoxPro
Classes - VCX
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I do nto see somthing bad in the code, though I did nto examined much from the logical point of view. One thing is wondering me - why in the ForeColor_Assign you're making the column marked as sroted when foreground color match to the color of highlighting? What if programmer programmatically set the color of that column to highlighted? The use case is obvious - when we whant to sort on 2 fields simultaneously, but these fields are displayed in the different columns in grid. Both columns will be highlighted. My guess was to set up the index of highlighted column during the sorting, then in the Assign method check if this column is sorted (just a flag property of header), and if sorted, assign new value to the nOriginalForeColor anyway, but ForeColor will get value of highlighting color instead of what is assigned. In the sorting method to forse fore color change, just assign the value of nOriginalForeColor property to the ForeColor. Do you see logic here?

In the GetColumnIndex, instead of assigning result column index to variable and exit the loop, just use the RETURN command inside of the loop (just a note).

>>I know this is a problem. I have a property in the Header class that I pre-fill at the grid.Init by scanning all columns.
>>You can also just scan columns in grid.columns array until column.ColumnOrder = this.parent.ColumnOrder.
>That's exacly what I just did:
>Ok, here is the code, I've just written, but haven't tested yet. See, if there are obvious problems:
>*  Description.......: myHeader.Definition
>*  Calling Samples...:
>*  Parameter List....: tcCaption
>*  Ideas by..........: Cetin Basoz & David Frankenbach & Vlad Grynchyshyn 
>*  Modified by.......: Nadya Nosonovsky 09/14/2001 10:50:09 AM
>define class MyHeader as header
>	mcArrowName = ""    && name of the arrow used for all headers of the grid
>	mlAscending = .f.   && flag for sort order
>	mlColumnMoved = .f. && flag indicating column was moved
>	mnColumnOrder = 0   && original column order
>	mlColumnSized = .f. && flag indicating column was resized
>	mnColumnWidth = 0   && original size of column
>	nOriginalForeColor = 0  && original ForeColor
>	nForeColorAsc =  16711935 && Fore Color, when the column is in ASC order
>	nForeColorDesc = 8388863   && Fore Color, when the column is in DESC order
>	procedure init
>	lparameters tcCaption
>	local ix, lcProperty
>	with this
>		if vartype(m.tcCaption) # "C" ;
>				or empty(m.tcCaption)
>			tcCaption = .caption
>		endif
>		.caption = m.tcCaption
>		.alignment = 2
>		.nOriginalForeColor=.forecolor
>		if !pemstatus(.parent.parent,"nCurHighlightedColumnIndex",5)
>			.parent.parent.addproperty("nCurHighlightedColumnIndex",0)
>		endif
>	endwith
>	procedure ForeColor_assign
>	lparameters vNewVal
>*To do: Modify this routine for the Assign method
>	with this
>		if inlist(m.vNewVal, .nForeColorAsc, .nForeColorDesc)
>			.parent.parent.nCurHighlightedColumnIndex=.GetColumnIndex()
>		else
>			.nOriginalForeColor= m.vNewVal
>			.forecolor = m.vNewVal
>		endif
>	endwith
>	procedure GetColumnIndex
>	local lnI, lnIndex
>	lnIndex=0
>	with this.parent
>		for lnI=1 to .parent.columncount
>			if .parent.columns[m.lnI].columnorder=.columnorder
>				lnIdex=m.lnI
>				exit
>			endif
>		next
>	endwith
>	return m.lnIndex
>	procedure Order_Highlight
>	with this.parent.parent
>		if .nCurHighlightedColumnIndex > 0
>			.columns[.nCurHighlightedColumnIndex].Header1.forecolor=this.nOriginalForeColor
>		endif
>	endwith
>	with this
>		if .mlAscending
>			.forecolor = .nForeColorAsc && Red
>		else
>			.forecolor = .nForeColorDesc
>		endif
>	endwith
>	procedure click
>	local nTempCurRec, lcTagName, lnColor, lnCurrentColor, lnOrder
>	with this
>		lnColor=.nOriginalForeColor
>		if ! .mlColumnMoved and ! .mlColumnSized
>* sortable column that was clicked
>			.mlAscending = ! .mlAscending
>			thisform.lockscreen = .t.
>			lcTagName=justext(.parent.controlsource)
>			select (.parent.parent.recordsource)
>			if tagno(m.lcTagName)> 0
>				nTempCurRec = recno(.parent.parent.recordsource)
>				if .mlAscending
>					set order to tag (m.lcTagName) ;
>						in (.parent.parent.recordsource) ascending
>				else
>					set order to tag (m.lcTagName) ;
>						in (.parent.parent.recordsource) descending
>				endif
>				.Order_Highlight() && Show color
>				.parent.parent.refresh
>				if type('thisform.navstand.name')='C'
>					thisform.navstand.lstOrders.value=m.lcTagName
>				endif
>				if between(m.nTempCurRec,1,reccount(.parent.parent.recordsource))
>					go m.nTempCurRec in (.parent.parent.recordsource)
>				endif
>			endif
>			thisform.lockscreen = .f.
>		endif
>	endwith
>	procedure mousedown
>	lparameters nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord
>	with this
>* initialize items that will be tested in MouseUp
>		.mnColumnOrder = this.parent.columnorder
>		.mnColumnWidth = this.parent.width
>	endwith
>	procedure mouseup
>	lparameters nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord
>	with this
>* check to see if this was a resize or move
>		.mlColumnMoved = ( this.parent.columnorder != .mnColumnOrder )
>		.mlColumnSized = ( this.parent.width != .mnColumnWidth )
>*		.ForeColor=.nOriginalForeColor
>	endwith
>	procedure dblclick
>	this.parent.parent.SetOrder(this.parent.controlsource)
>>>There is no propety ColumnIndex for column. And the ColumnOrder is not reliable. How can I determine the column index?
>>>>>>>Besided, I can click on text in another column in a grid, and the header would not change color
>>>>Nadya, why you need this, in other words, what is use-case of such coloring? Just AfterRowColChange event.
>>>>About SetAll and about remembering of the column index I already mentioned in your previous thread.
>>>>Also, to make it generic, I would like to add that you cand define a method in the header class called "Highlight" or something like that. This method will control the index of current highlighted column in the GRID class. You will be able to call it from any place in the grid include from the AfterRowColChange. In the method you will read previous index from grid property, if it is not zero (no column highlighted) - restore back color, then set back color of the "this" header and set column index to the current column index (either using loop or using saved index in the header in separate property for each column). About RestoreToDefault, it is also not a good idea to use it in case you predict back color could be changed by programmer in run-time mode. It is good idea to define Header.BackColor_Assign method where you store the color change in the OriginalBackColor and check - if this column is highlighted, do not change BackColor. When restoring color, instead of ResetToDefault
>>>>the value from the OriginalBackColor to restore header color. In the Init, of course, set initial value of the Original BackColor property.
>>>>P.S. I did passed the time such grid developed, so you can ask also for more complex questions. For example, instead of header coloring, put arrow to indicate sorted column and the direction of sorting.
>>>>>>Putting this in the MouseMouve of each header works for me:
>>>>>>LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord
>>>>>>local lnI
>>>>>>for lnI = 1 to This.Parent.Parent.ColumnCount
>>>>>>    This.Parent.Parent.Columns(lnI).Header1.ForeColor = rgb(0,0,0)
>>>>>>This.ForeColor = rgb(200,0,0)
>>>>>Thanks, Mark. As I thought about this problem on the way home, there are couple of complications. First of all, I want to restore color, which may be not necessary black. Secondly, I thought, that I should leave red color on the column, which is ordered until the other column is re-ordered. Third complication is, that I have ability to change order by some other form control, and I want to change color accordingly. I was trying to work out a solution in my mind, but haven't developed anything general and simple so far.
>>>>>>>Hi everybody,
>>>>>>>How can I determine, that the current Header is loosing focus? In other words, suppose, I click on the Header on the grid and change its color. When I click on another column header, I want to reset previously current Header color to the original color, and change color of the currently clicked Header?
>>>>>>>Do you have an idea, how can I achieve this functionality?
>>>>>>>I tried this.parent.parent.SetAll(..) from the click event of the Header, but it's not exactly, what I want. Besided, I can click on text in another column in a grid, and the header would not change color :(
>>>>>>>Thanks a lot in advance for ideas.
Vlad Grynchyshyn, Project Manager, MCP
ICQ #10709245
The professional level of programmer could be determined by level of stupidity of his/her bugs

It is not appropriate to say that question is "foolish". There could be only foolish answers. Everybody passed period of time when knows nothing about something.

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