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US should strike Pakistan: Afghan opposition
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I was distracted by my wife and forgot to mention that a poltical ploy is in the making: Pakistan has asked Afghanistan to turn Ben Laden over to them. This is where the road may fork: If Pakistan gives Ben Laden to the US for trial then they are acting like friends. IF, on the other hand, if they do not then they are part of a poltical ploy which is designed to render the US impotent at best, and a gangster state at worse. How? Ben Laden is in Pakistan but will be tried by Islamic courts. You know how long justice takes, even in the US. The USA and NATO cannot strike a 'friend' who was instrumental in bringing Ben Laden 'to justice'. They can no longer strike Afghanistan because Afghanistan cooperated and 'gave up' Ben Laden to 'justice'. Meanwhile the 34 separate and known Ben Laden terrorist cells continue their murderous ways, and all the extremists states say "see, Ben Laden is under arrest in Pakistan, your ally, and the attacks continue, so it is not Ben Laden behind them." It will sell well in Iraq, Iran, and Palestine as well. The US could well be striken with FUD if they fall into this trap.

>>>Why has international terrorism never been seen as such a major problem until the last week ?
>>As Jerry pointed out, it has been, at least in Europe. But apparently, it's OK to lose a few dozen civilians in Europe for the sake of peace. We don't think the same way. What happened on 9/11 was a few scales up in magnitude.
>>That's OK. You go ahead and live your life and not get involved. We'll protect you with our blood, as we have for almost a century. We'll make the hard decisions and we'll take the losses. That's OK, Len. Go back to sleep.
>At church this morning I talked with a good friend, a former Muslim who became a Christian. He cautioned me that the USA should be careful about any offers of help made by Pakistan. He said that the number two target of Osama Ben Laden was Cashmier, India. That amazed me. He said that India had 1640 separate terrorist attacks in the last year, and over 1200 of them were Afghanian. He told me that Pakistan funnels the money into Ben Laden's organization, and helps with training and logistics. He also mentioned the "Islamic Bomb", which I had forgotten: http://www.secularhumanism.org/library/shb/warraq_14_3.html
>If Pakistan supplied a nuke to Iraq or Iran or one of the other extremist Islamic states they would not hesitate to use it. Neither would Israel hesitate. He also said we have no choice but to react. Even if we placate them they will still attack, and as time goes on their attacks will escalate to the use of even worse weapons. The worst, and easists to sneak into the country, are the biological weapons. As a former biochemistry teacher I know how, for example, to create a 5 gallon mash of Clostridium Botulini, and from it extract 100 miligrams of botulin toxin, enough to kill 100,000 people. If I know that they know that. All we are talking about now is delivery.
>This is a war, and it will last as long or longer than WWII. We all must be strong.
Nebraska Dept of Revenue

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