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>>>I can only say that I still don't understand who's who and what are various political options standing for, what's the meaning of "left" and "right" here. I was always more interested in American foreign policy (because it was also interested in me), and the internal differences between the major actors on the political scene here seem so coke-vs-pepsi to me. They're both brownish zuckerwasser, and I don't drink either of them.
>>A quick lesson in American Politics is offered below.
>>You might say the “left” wants to give everything away so everyone is equal (shades of communism) and the “right” wants to take everything away and give it to only those “worthy” (shades of fascism) . Who is worthy? Why only good righteous “God fearing Americans”, who believe in Apple Pie and motherhood!
>>Within the definition of “God fearing Americans” is a particular elite you might compare to Adolph Hitler or Joe Stalin. It also helps to have “the right god”! This group has no tolerance for diversity or humanity. Some men are created more equal than others. Some highly educated persons are “rightists” and tend to lead the pack.
>>The “rightest” are an interesting group as they also embrace those that are ignorant, bigots, and in general hate others. At first they hated others and if not given their way called everyone around them a commie pinko. Calling others a communist made you a “real American”. Now when the Soviet Union was desolved these “real Americans” had to hate someone so they hate the United States and its citizens. They also like to call themselves super patriots. Only they know what it means to be a “real American”.
>>Now if you are a so called “moderate”, you also have a problem as you “straddle the fence”. You try to be objective and have balance in your life and are despised by both the right and left. So being a moderate is much more fun. No one really knows how you feel on any subject. You might be willing to side with one or the other groups on any specific issue. Those that are to the right or left have exposed themselves as extremists.
>I would put it this way: I would consider Truman, Eisenhower and John Kennedy (to make a distinction between John and the another Kennedy, who drowns folks and uses his wealth to avoid buy off witnesses and the law) the political center of American politics during the last 100 years. FDR I'd put on the middle left, and Ragen on the middle right. The far left includes Nader, etc. On the radical left are Barry Sanders (who does not conceal that fact that he, as a communist subscribes to the theories of Marx, Ron Dellums, Jesse Jackson and a host of folks who consider Pacifica Radio a valid news source. On the far right are Rush Limbaugh, Horowitz and some others whose names escape me. On the radical right are the David Dukes, White Extremests, etc...
>In reality, the radical left and the radical right are merely racists of one color or another who advocate positions so extreme as to be indistinguishable from those of Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a National Socialist.
>Consider that communists are those who believe that production and distribution should be controlled by the state. Facists believe that production and distribution should be controlled by cartels, which should be controlled by the state. All other differences are trivial, because they both use the same means to justify their ends.
>>When it comes to our political system it is even easier to understand the so called “two party system”. One party called the democrats wants to throw the dog (John Q. Citizen, you and I) a bone and the other party called republicans, wants to take the bone away.
>Tom, you got it all wrong. The Republicans maintain deniability by turning a blind eye, while the corporations create armies of lawyers who paper the world with "IP" patents, allowing them to steal the bones legally. Then there is that Democrat, Earnst Hollings, who is authoring the SSSCA, a law that has as its intent the desire to outlaw any software written without propriatary 'security' built in. Guess which OS would be the 'standard' and which OS would be outlawed. Well, if you can't defeat them on a level playing field you grease the crooked politicians to make them outlaws.
>>That is all right, because the vast majority of Americans like to be treated like dogs and really prefer bones. It is all a matter of conditioning and acceptance. We just listen to the media and they tell us how we should feel and act. We are in good times or we are in bad times. The media has it all figured out for us so we do not have to worry about thinking.
>Sometimes I wonder if they simply want to be left alone with their games, gambling and porno.
>>I especially like the weather person on TV, who cannot tell you what the high or low is or was for the day but can predict the weather for the next 5 days.
>I really like the 'scientists' who have an agenda and use their computer models to predict weather 50 years in advance. It is amazing how predictable the Butterfly Effect is when you have an agenda.
>>What 1960’s song writer (who cannot sing worth a bean) said “The times they are a changin”! How true! Don’t worry – I know his name and his son is a much better singer.
>Barry McGuier, "Eve of Destruction". He later became a religious person, but that apparently didn't help his depression, so he committed suicide.


Well, I actually had Bob Dylan in mind. Some people should not be allowed to sing his/her own songs! Those same persons should not be allowed to sing.


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