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03/10/2001 12:43:40
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Exaggerations aside, no religion in public schools is really the only "safe" way to go...

For example, while Doug D. is a "Christian" and I am a "Christian", the two of us differ markedly on many many ethical/moral issues defendable one way or the other by our (common) religious texts. We could easily come to (figurative) blows on these issues, and this kind of discussion/behaviour has no place in the public school system. To "solve" it equitably would remove the time for all other teaching in any school!

The "Christian" religion is, I would guess, one of the more fragmented religions of the world. While any conversation between Doug and I starts off on very common ground (God, love, etc.) we invariably diverge and in very heated ways in some instances. Now apply this to all variations of "Christianity", which of course only exist because of these (sometimes minor, sometimes major) differences, and add to that the other faiths/practises (with their variations, of course) that may exist in the student body of any school district, and it quickly becomes apparent that the time/disruption involved in covering all student's "requirements" leads to a poor environment for 'general' teaching/learning.

You might say that this is solvable by sticking to the common stuff - the God, love, etc that Doug and I and most other "Christian" faiths agree on.
But it is clear that that wouldn't work even amongst the "Christians", else there would be no need for the many divisions that exist in the first place. In the end Doug will only be happy if the "Christianity" that is involved is 'his' "Christianity while I will only be happy if it is 'mine'. I certainly don't want Doug's kind of "Christianity" taught to my children! And I would want to make damned sure that none of 'his' got snuck into the cirriculum!
Now of course there is still the added dimension of the other faiths of the world that are represented by the student population of the school district.

It just can't work, but most "free" countries (maybe even the 'bound' ones too) do have an alternative available in the form of private schools. They are free to state their agendas and people are free to accept that agenda as being suitable to their child's development. True, those who cannot afford a private school are not accommodated by this option, but that is not material. What is material is that each and every child have to opportunity to have a good quality education available to them without restriction, and the current system delivers this. There is ample opportunity for ALL people to get the DESIRED religious training for themselves and their children and your Constitution gaurantees that too.

There is already considerable brainwashing going on in the school systems of North America without adding the impossible burden of equitable religious education.

2¢ worth

Jim (tried to cc Doug but he doesn't seem to include himself for such)

>If anyone is easily offended do not read this post. You have been warned.
>To be logical and consistent one must take the side of Tamar. There must be no reference even by inference to religion in any public place in the United States. If public funds are used to help subsidize any business or place where people gather no reference to religion will be allowed.
>Now, what I would suggest is to abolish all public funding for any reason and all public places including schools. There will be no City Hall, State or Federal Buildings. Such places could be used by members of the public or government employees where people could display or suggest something with a religious connotation. Regarding public schools, why have them as they are a total failure. People have been known to say the "Pledge of Allegiance” in schools, and the word “God” is used in that “prayer”.
>Take the stars off of the flag of the United States, because these may refer to “Christmas”. Remove the red, white and blue from our flag as these colors are used for Christmas decorations.
>We must protect all our citizens from the abuses of others who dare to have any religious background. At the same time we must protect ourselves from accidentally doing something in a public place that may offend another person. Ignorance is not an excuse and avoidance will reduce the number of people being sued or imprisoned for offences of this type. So eliminate all public places and we will protect every individual from accidently doing something offensive to others.
>God Bless America. Whoops, sorry to those who were offended by that statement – no – on second thought I am not sorry. Be offended – I want to know how you think and why. Let your emotions be your guide. Hope I hit someone’s button. This could be fun.

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