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What is wrong in this code ?
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Thanks for all of you, these replys was very helpfull to me,
Many thanks again.

The best way I found it that I open the connection with it's connections string, then build the mySql string statment with INSERT (fields) value (values), then Execute it. instead of my old way to open the record set with SELECT.

But here I have something else......
1. I know that the ADO recordsets support BOOKMARK, but it returns an error when I use it like provider does not support.

2. When I open the GuestBook record set and shoe the record total number like
<%Response.Write rstGuestBook.RecourCount%>
it shows value (-1).

Any advice how to fix these 2 problems

Again thanks for all of your support....



>>>>>Set rstGuestBook = myConn.Execute(mySql)
>The ADO connection object execute method returns a *read-only* recordset. You need to open a static, client-side recordset in order to use the AddNew method.
>ors.cursorlocation = adUseClient
>ors.CursorType = adOpenStatic
>ors.LockType = adLockOptimistic
>>>>>mySql = "SELECT * FROM GuestBook"
>What if your guestbook is large? This query will return the whole table!!! You need to put a where clause on it so it returns an empty recordset that you can add to. Where .F. works for me.
>See my page.
>Also, when you use the following code
>ADO will, behind the scenes, create a INSERT sql statement and send it to the database.
>If you want to clear up the resources you can use ors.ActiveConnection = nothing to create a disconnected recordset.
>In regards to the error checking code, I dont have any sample code in front of me, but there is error information in the connection object. Something like this:
>on error resume next
>ors.execute ...
>on error goto 0
>If ocn.ErrNumber > 0 Then
> process the error
>>Is there any way to check if this operation return any error or it's successful?
>>>Set myConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
>>>myConn.ConnectionString = "Your connection string here"
>>>mySql = "Your INSERT here"
>>>>Thank you for your email....
>>>>You main that instead of opening the record set, I'll build the INSERT statment with the fields values in "mySql" and EXCUTE it, Correct ?
>>>>>>Hi All,
>>>>>>I am getting an error with the following code, can any one advice me what is wrong in this code, the error I get on line "rstGuestBook.AddNew"
>>>>>>the aim of this code is, will add a new record to my GuestBook.mdb File.
>>>>>>this is the code:
>>>>>>Set myConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
>>>>>>myConn.Open "2bs-GuestBook"
>>>>>>mySql = "SELECT * FROM GuestBook"
>>>>>>Set rstGuestBook = myConn.Execute(mySql)
>>>>>>rstGuestBook("Nmae") = Request.Form("txtName")
>>>>>>rstGuestBook("Email") = Request.Form("txtEmail")
>>>>>>rstGuestBook("Company") = Request.Form("txtCompany")
>>>>>>rstGuestBook("Url") = Request.Form("txtUrl")
>>>>>>rstGuestBook("Comment") = Request.Form("txtComment")
>>>>>>Set rstGuestBook = Nothing
>>>>>>Set myConn = Nothing
>>>>>Where's your connection string ?
>>>>>On a design point of view:
>>>>>You should not open a recordset to add a new record. It waste precious ressources for no good reasons.
>>>>>You should open you Connection and execute an INSERT query or open a Connection, create a Command object and call a store procedure.

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