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11/10/2001 12:04:18
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>>Anybody here go to a public school that started the day with a prayer? Anybody remember how it worked?
>I went to a public school here in Louisville, KY back in the 80s and although we did not start the day with a prayer, the 10 Commandments were posted in various rooms throughout the school, including the vice-principal's office. I wish I would have been more politically astute in those days, and pointed out that he was breaking the law by doing that. That would have been a fun thing to say as I was being punished :-).
>The posting of the 10 Commandments is still going on here in public schools in KY, despite rulings by the KY Supreme Court that they should be removed.

I'm curious..

Would you object to separate posters/signs around a school that said:

Don't steal
Don't Lie
Don't murder your classmate
Don't take something that's not yours

and so forth.

Or do you support signs that say:

Steal if it meets your needs
Lie to get what you want
Murder your classmate if you have to
Take what you need but only that

I'm being facetious of course but that's what six (6) of the ten (10) commandments say.

IOW, in your objections do you categorically object to the principles of not lying, stealing, murdering, etc? or do you hold a moral equivilance point of view that allowes you to do these things if the situation arises? ie. Situational ethics

Now, as to the first four (4) commandments they aren't all that onerous either if you think about them a little. Actually, Jesus said that 1) Loving God with all your heart, soul mind & body and 2) Loving your neighbor as yourself contained therein all of the Law and Prophets, the 10 Commandments being a sort of Cliff's Notes (If God's name is Cliff anyway <g>) version.

I'd think that we'd all want to accept the concept that loving one's neighbor in the sense of considering their needs as well as our own is a good thing?? Or has selfishness become the new ideal to be promoted? I really am interested in what you replace these concepts with, and why.

IOW, just exactly what is it that you object to here that is so horrible? That someone has codified a set of moral laws? IOW, do you object to the laws (and why I'd be curious to know) or do you have some other reason? That others might want to express themselves?

You see, from the POV of folks like myself, if you wanted to post an athiet's Code of Ethics alongside the 10 Commandments I'd be ok with that as it might spark discussion, which I see as the heart of education. I speak with some small amount of authority here as my wfe, mother and father are/were all professional educators if you can get past the knee-jerk, emotion-based reaction some have to this characterization. IOW, define what makes a religion a religion and see if those same characteristics apply here as well. You'll find they do. Ergo Athiesm is a religious system. Additionally, atheism really is just another religious position as it is taken on faith. Prove the absence of the existence of God. <g> You cannot. So, atheism must be taken on faith. Same with Humanism (it adimits to being a religion in the IInd Manifesto I am correctly led to believe), Darminism and so forth. There really is no way to take all religious expression out of schools - all we're doing is forceably substituting one for another in the name of separation of church & state which by all accounts has been made up out of thin air.

Does that make sense? There's really no way to do this practically - unless the real agenda is to remove Christianity's influence and replace it with some other. This is, I think, what is really going on. It's not really about anti-religious efforts but anti-Christian efforts.

Why? People hate God. *shrug* Kind of sad really since He loves them - even when they hate Him.

What's everyone so afraid of? Jesus????


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