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ABC bans Flag
15/10/2001 14:05:23
Dragan Nedeljkovich
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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Below is an example of the news manipulation I was refering to. It is from Globe News. The major media whine about Bush asking them not to be conduits for BinLaden propaganda or "activation" messages. None of these media reported their own censorship. I'm left with the question of why. Out of concern for Bush's leadership position? Hardly. It hasn't stopped them in the past and they are continuing to snip at him in other, equally ludicrous ways. My conclusion, based on their overall history of behavior, is that the analysis gave Bush the node, but that is not the 'news' they wanted to print. Notice the 'analysis' of this story suggested that it was spiked to avoid releasing news 'damaging' to Bush, thus producing the very same effect had the news said Gore won the dimple count. One could equally suggest and report that they spiked it because it did not contain such news. It amuses me how Jane Kirtley, was 'so chilled' by the story, but not by this 'leak' which has almost the same effect to non-critical readers.

"A consortium of major U.S. news organizations has decided unanimously not to analyze and report the results of the $1-million (U.S.) audit they commissioned to identify which presidential candidate received the most votes in Florida in last November's election.

By "spiking" the story, they have raised questions about whether the country's biggest media conglomerates are suppressing news that potentially could tarnish the image of Mr. Bush in the midst of the President's war on terrorism.

"I find it truly extraordinary that they have made this decision," said Jane Kirtley, media ethics specialist at the University of Minnesota. "I am so chilled by what is going on."

The Supreme Court, in ordering an end to the recounting of votes in Florida last December, effectively handed the presidency to Mr. Bush. But there was evidence that, had accidentally mismarked ballots such as the famous "dimpled chads" been properly scrutinized, Mr. Gore might have won the state and the presidency.

Last January, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Newsweek, CNN and several other news organizations banded together and commissioned the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center to conduct a comprehensive examination of the ballots not officially counted in the Florida result. The centre was charged with examining each of about 180,000 uncounted ballots, reporting on which marks are on each ballot."
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