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Another voice
16/10/2001 23:11:27
16/10/2001 04:46:10
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>One other thing...
AF>>And the Bible is nice to non-believers? Come on Doug! What did God do to his enemies? What did God do to the Egyptians to let Moses and his people go? Killed their first born didn't He? (this after he utterly failed several times after sending them locust, and other niceties).
>Yes, it is actually.
>If you choose to reject God's love please don't blame Him for it, ok? You want the right to choose your friends? Well, maybe God does too. Thing is is that He'll be friends with anyone who accepts Him as He is. Problem is is that people want to change Him to what they want and more often than not that's very sordid and ugly.

God's love? By killing the first male born of the Egyptians? Killing babies? You call that love?

DD>The problem with 'non-believers' as you put it is that they remove themselves from forgiveness and then blame God for it. Hardly rational IMO, particularly since forgiveness is free to any and all.

Forgiveness? Why would I want forgiveness? For what? I stand for my actions. They are always ethical and moral.

>DD>Let's prove the point: Alex, God loves you so much that He personally died for your sins and paid your 'debt' in full...

Whoa! Stop there pardner! I'm not a Christian and and I do not have your vast knowledge but I always understood that the one who died was jesus. That's the son of God, right? So God didn't die then, but the son. Right? And how can he personally have died for my sins when I wasn't even born? Or didn't he die because the dictatorial power of the land, the Roman Empire, got fed up with his speeches and considered him subversive and not conducive to their idea of peaceful and quiet subjects? That was done (and is) over and over again by dictators. Nothing new or unique here. Crucifixion was just the method of capital punishment at the time, like a firing squad or the chair could be today. Did Jesus deserve it? No! Where they ruthless dictators that stifled the local population? Yes! But that's politics, not religion.

>DD>All you have to do is accept that payment on God's terms. Yes, God's judgement is final. yes, it's eternal. Yes it's perfect. However, if you so choose you can accept God's payment on your behalf. Free and clear. Now, will you?

Doug, do you have any idea how do you sound? Raving mad I'd say. Are you like this at home and at work every day? Wow!

>DD>If you choose no then don't blame God as you have placed yourself in harm's way.
What? What's that mean? A threat of eternal damnation in an afterlife? Ok. I'll risk it.

Go visit the Landover Baptist Church - Where the Worthwhile Worship and the Unsaved are Unwelcome. ( Maybe I'll join the Church and be saved.

>DD>But, if you choose no, why? What is it that you are giving up and what are you gaining? Pride? Don't be foolish with eternity! You and I will die and it's a foolish foolish man who does not prepare for this absolute event. What will you say, should you reject God's forgiveness when He asks you why?

>No one will ever force you whatsoever to choose to believe. It's not 'real' in that case. Many will attempt to persuade you but will you listen?
>Time is ticking and it is IMO imperitive that people face the very real issue of life and death and quit hiding their heads in the sand.
>As far as those whom God judged in the Old Testament.. Apparently you're unaware of the civilizations of that time. They were worth destroying. I don't suppose you have heard about Molech? Smallish iron statue with arms outstretched and a hole in the belly. Filled with wood and turned cherry red by the fires. Parents would place their firstborn child on the glowing red outstretched arms and the beating drums would cover the sound of the screaming child. Now we just burn the children with saline and their screams are silent.
>No.. the issue you raise is the well worn <g> issue, "Is God fair?". It was the same question that got Eve into trouble and the same lie exists today. The answer is, "Yes, God is fair". Man has caused all the brutality you cite, not God so please blame the real culprit - you and me.

Wow! What a mouthful! I am sorry. I sinned. I want salvation! For all eternity!
I want to go to heaven. Paradise. A beautiful field full of wabbits! Yeah. Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit...

Alex Feldstein, MCP, Microsoft MVP
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