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Remote View vs SQL Pass through
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Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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In addition to the VFP version, there is the COM version (initial development by me based on the VFP implementation) that uses 100% ADO. The stored procedures you create for use with the VFP version that uses a combination of ADO and SPT, the COM version uses the exact same stored procs.

The original story of the COM version is a bit amusing. Rod and I were on the phone one day and I said that that VB did not present an obstacle to developing a COM-based version of Dataclas. Eventually, I had to put my $ where my mouth was. 2 days later, the first complete version of Dataclas COM was born.

>After seeing a demo of DataClas developed RodPaddock [JVP actually demoed this to me] and Rick Strahl's Business object framework classes, you would be totally blown away at the effectiveness of SPT especially in a disconnected world [e.g., internet apps]. However, this method of data handling is not limited to stateless apps. IMO, the way these frameworks handle data is light years ahead of the way data is handled with local or remote views.
>If you ever get a chance get to a DevCon or anywhere else where any of these 2 are showing off their products, I encourage you to talk to them about it.
>>My personal opinion is never to use remote views.
>>I am in situation where I must convince a consulting company that is writing a VFP app for us that Remote Views are not the way to go and to use SQL Pass through. Politics are such that I must have documentation backing up my requirement to drop remote views.
>>Does anyone have any documentation or articles that promote SQL Pass through over Remote Views. I have founded limited information on the MSDN web site.

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