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Remote View vs SQL Pass through
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Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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A few reasons I use views:

Complexity, cost, and user requirements come to mind. I have used Visual MaxFrame Professional to create a number of applications when these types of requirements are to be considered. I find this to be a good tool and approach for most of my consulting contracts. As it comes out of the box, VMP uses views, and if you wish to take the time and effort you can do SPT.

When I work in a corporate environment and the standard is views I use views. If there is a need and I am allowed to I will use SPT. It is not so much a technical aspect as it is "political", within the corporate world.

Personally I like to use SPT more than views for my own reasons. I have found a number of issues with views including instability within the data environment of a form. The ultimate cause of this could not be found but it does occur on occasion. Once is too much!

If I had the time I would create what I needed to support SPT in the frameworks I use. Time is too short and I may not get around to this in the foreseeable future. Now if a contract were at stake I would find the time!


>It is good to understand each side of an argument. As for myself I use both SPT and remote views, depending upon the needs of my client.
>I agree that it is good to understand each side of the argument. With respect to the needs of the client, what factors would push you toward RV's over SPT?

>>There are always tradeoffs with any approach to solving a problem. There is no one answer that fits all. With the proper knowledge people can make decisions based upon a specific requirement.
>Again, I agree that there are always tradeoffs; nothing comes for free. Hopefully, you maximize the opportunity based on the price you pay. I would ask again, what specific requirements do you see RV's addressing that SPT doe not.
>>By the way about five years ago I used SPT driven by a table. The client changed business rules once a month and this was a quick means to accomplish what they had to do. It just added another dimension to SPT.

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