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Possible bug
27/12/2001 14:34:53
Keith Payne
Technical Marketing Solutions
Florida, United States
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Visual FoxPro
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Hi Keith,

Sounds like a bug to me, though I don't have VFP7 to test. However, you can use Foxtools function REDUCE() to reduce all spaces to just one.

Download Foxtools help file by George Tasker from Download section here.

BTW, I didn't know, what you can set Init to be hidden.

I also made some little enchancement in your code, see inside:

>When running the code at the bottom of this message, the following statement:
.cFullName = alltrim(strtran(.cFullName,"  "," "))
>...does not strip out both occurences of " " (two adjacent spaces).
>In the command window it does strip out both occurences when run with a literal and a memvar:
>? strtran("Keith  James  Payne","  "," ")
>lcTest = "Keith  James  Payne"
>? strtran(lcTest,"  "," ")
>Both of the preceeding ? statements produce the correct result "Keith James Payne".
>Also in the following program it works correctly:
>local lcTest, loTest
>lcTest = "Keith  James  Payne"
>? alltrim(strtran(lcTest,"  "," "))
>loTest = createobject("test1")
>define class test1 as Custom
>	cTest = "Keith  James  Payne"
>	procedure init
>		? strtran(this.cTest,"  "," ")
>		with this
>			? strtran(.cTest,"  "," ")
>			? alltrim(strtran(.cTest,"  "," "))
>		endwith
>	endproc
>Here is the complete class definition (which does not work):
>public goTest1
>goTest1.parse("Keith.,James   Payne")
>define class nameparser as Custom olepublic
>	cFullName = ""
>	cSalutation = ""
>	cFirstName = ""
>	cMiddleName = ""
>	cLastName = ""
>	cSuffix = ""
>	cSeparators = " .,;:"
>	nWords = 0
>	dimension aSalutation[11], aWords[1]
>	hidden procedure init
>		with this
>			.aSalutation[1] = "MR"
>			.aSalutation[2] = "MRS"
>			.aSalutation[3] = "MS"
>			.aSalutation[4] = "DR"
>			.aSalutation[5] = "HON"
>			.aSalutation[6] = "REV"
>			.aSalutation[7] = "MISTER"
>			.aSalutation[8] = "MISSES"
>			.aSalutation[9] = "DOCTOR"
>			.aSalutation[10] = "HONORABLE"
>			.aSalutation[11] = "REVEREND"
>		endwith
>	endproc
>	function parse(lcFullName as String)
>		local i, lnNoSeparators, lcSeparator, lcWorkString, lnStart, lnLength
>		lnNoSeparators = 0
>		with this
>			.cFullName = alltrim(lcFullName)
>*			for i = 1 to len(.cSeparators)
>*			lcSeparator = substr(.cSeparators,i,1)
>*			** first replace each separator with a space and alltrim to remove any extra characters from the ends
>*			.cFullName = strtran(.cFullName,lcSeparator," ")
>*			.cFullName = alltrim(.cFullName)
>*		endfor
* Comment out the above block, since it's equavelent to :
                       .cFullName = chrtran(.cFullName,.cSeparator,replicate(space(1),len(.cSeparator))
>			if !empty(.cFullName)	&& make sure that the remaining string contains something
>				** now replace any instance of adjacent spaces with a single space
>				.cFullName = alltrim(strtran(.cFullName,"  "," "))
>				? .cFullName
>				lnNoSeparators = lnNoSeparators + occurs(" ", .cFullName)
>				** There are lnNoSeparators+1 words in the name
>				.nWords = lnNoSeparators + 1
>				lcWorkString = .cFullName
>				dimension .aWords[.nWords]
>				for i = 1 to .nWords
>					do case
>						case i = 1
>							lnStart = 1
>							lnLength = iif(at(" ",lcWorkString,i)>0,at(" ",lcWorkString,i)-1,len(lcWorkString))-(lnStart-1)
>							.aWords[i] = substr(lcWorkString,lnStart,lnLength)
>						case i = .nWords
>							lnStart = at(" ",lcWorkString,i-1)+1
>							.aWords[i] = substr(lcWorkString,lnStart)
>						otherwise
>							lnStart = at(" ",lcWorkString,i-1)+1
>							lnLength = (at(" ",lcWorkString,i)-1)-(lnStart-1)
>							.aWords[i] = substr(lcWorkString,lnStart,lnLength)
>					endcase
>					lcWorkString = alltrim(strtran(lcWorkString,.aWords[1],""))
>				endfor
>				do case
>					case .nWords = 1
>						.aWords[1] = .cFullName
>						.cLastName = .cFullName
>					case .nWords = 2
>						.cFirstName = left(.cFullName,at(" ",.cFullName)-1)
>						.cLastName = alltrim(strtran(.cFullName,.cFirstName,""))
>					case .nWords = 3
>						for i = 1 to alen(.aSalutation)
>						endfor
>						.cFirstName = left(.cFullName,at(" ",.cFullName)-1)
>						.cLastName = alltrim(strtran(.cFullName,.cFirstName,""))
>					case .nWords = 4
>					case .nWords > 4
>				endcase
>			endif
>		endwith
>	endfunc
>I am running VFP7, version 07.00.0000.9262.
>Have I missed something or is this a bug?
>- Keith Payne
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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