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Strange behavior when printing graphics ??
09/01/2002 11:31:50
Albert Beermann
Piepenbrock Service Gmbh & Cokg
Osnabrück, Germany
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Visual FoxPro
Reports & Report designer
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The problem you are having isn't related to the fact that you have a graphic on the page. It has to do with a bug .. er .. feature in the report writer with Summary bands. When you define a Summary band you can mark it to start on its own page or leave it alone and let it immediately follow the data. If you tell it to start on it's own page it DOES NOT print any Page Header or Page Footer information.

The situation you are encountering occurs when you tell it to follow the data ... and there isn't enough room to print the Summary band so it overflows to the next page. It forgets that it was supposed to follow the detail so it just prints the Summary band -- without any Page Headers or Page Details.

You can do a couple different things to get around this. One is to use a Data Group instead of the Summary band. Create a Data Group using the expression of EOF() and then put your "summary" information in the Group Footer band. Another way you can get around this is duplicate all the Page Header and Page Footer information in the Summary band, marking each object as Print When "nLines = 0" and remove line if blank. Then set up a Report Variable called "nLines" as a Count variable that is reset at the end of each page. As long as at least one detail item printed, the items won't print again when it prints the summary band. But if no detail lines print, it will print the duplicated "header" and "footer" objects.


>hi foxpro-Professionals,
>1. i use white paper for my reports and do all the layout with the report-designer.
>2. on top of every page i print our logo (xxx.bmp).
>3. there are three sortfields in my report.
>4. everything looks well, but under some circumstances the logo is not printed on the last page(only on the last page).
>5. if there are detail records on the last page, the logo is allways printed.
>6. if there are only fields that i print at end of sort2 or sort3(totals, lines ....) on the last page the bmp is not printed ????
>7. same behavior when printing bmp out of file or out of field (ole-objekt)
>8. i can print everything on top of every page (orderno, _pageno ...) but the grafig is allways missing when 6. ???????????????????
>any help welcomed !!
>best regards
>Albert Beermann
Cathy Pountney, Microsoft Visual FoxPro MVP
Memorial Business Systems, Inc. (www.mbs-intl.com)

My Website: (www.frontier2000.com)
My Blog: (www.cathypountney.blogspot.com)
My Book: The Visual FoxPro Report Writer - Pushing it to the Limit and Beyond
Free MSDN Article: What's New in the VFP 9.0 Report Writer
Free MSDN Article: The VFP 9.0 Report Writer In Action

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