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22/01/2002 11:06:08
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Well, we all, at some point, will encounter what we now call the future. Personally, I figure it will provide as many opportunities then as now. Will be we be using VFP? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Will good programmers have any troubles changing/migrating to that future? Hardly. I think a lot of the folks who worry about the future of VFP so loudly are those for whom change is seen as a threat rather than an opportunity.

Conversely, those who constantly and loudly proclaim the imminent death of VFP seem equally insecure.

You've proven your abilities to survive by continuing your education and broadening your horizons. You did this, using your God-given talents, and I applaud you. Speaking of folks like Rush.. Can you imagine being the dominant player in your particular field and going deaf (or blind, or whatever) and responding as he has? For four months he did his show absolutely deaf! Whether you agree with him or not you certainly have to admire his pluck - and this is what I'm referring to in you, myself and others around here that I admire so much. Rush apparently has recovered some 80% of his hearing and that's amazing to me. Karol and I have survived the death of a child and we're thriving. You've managed to deal with various issues and there are a whole host of others here who deserve an equal amount of respect for the same reasons..

For example: I am extremely delighted to see yag now involved in VB.NET. He understands this issue and that bodes well for that community.

IMO what makes the FoxPro community so great is the spirit of the members and no matter what happens to the product long term the members will prevail - simply because that's the way so many are built.

You and Steve have been going at it hammer and tong but you are both examples of survivors (and excellence) and that can make one a little impatient with those around them who aren't even sure they are "in the game". You guys fight it out and we'll all win as a result of the issues your first deconstruct, then reconstruct. I think the 'trick' of the FoxPro community is the inherent understanding that the 'newbie' is to be helped out and, like you, who will some day outstrip those who helped you out at first.

Personally, I like a good healthy discussion and I've precipitated more than a few in my days. I always learn from them and quite enjoy the interaction of bright minds.

As far as you being somehow 'ex-communicated' my response is twofold. 1) Rubbish and 2) Get over it. <g> Don't fall into the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. Candidly I'm often flattered by the notion that certsin folks disagree with me. <g>

>You remind me of one of my heros, Rush Limbaugh. Controversial but thought-provoking. < bg >
>I was talking with a friend last night, and the concensus is that I am the Rush Limbaugh, Howard Stern, G. Gordon Liddy of the VFP community.
>Of course, there are some who accuse me of not being a friend to Fox - of not being part of the community. IMO, I am one of Fox's best friends. I have been loyal for a long time.
>I consider myself to be the brutally honest uncle in the family - the guy you can go to - to get the straight objective scoop. There are those who feel that I am attacking Ken and as a consequence, attacking the team. The fact is, I have simply stepped away from the party line and have openly disagreed with certain public policies as well as characterizations of the policy by several well known public figures.
>I have asked some tough questions here. Of course, the important ones are always tough.
>On one hand, I think patting the VFP community on the back and treating the community with the respect it deserves is a good thing. FWIW, it is about 5 years overdue - and sadly, about 3 years too late. This of course is not to disparage the previous staff that has worked on the product. I have always thought - and to some degree have known, that VFP, like every other product must operate within certain parameters. It just so happens that VFP's parameters are very narrow and constrained.
>As I said, I think pumpiing up the VFP community is a good thing. However, when it leads into thoughts that VFP is part of the future, part of some long term commitment, that is where I see the disservice to the community. IMO, the best service and message to the community is one where the strengths of VFP are recognized - but the future is in .NET - and that a migration path needs to be made available for VFP developers. This should not be a forced thing. Rather, it should simply be made available and for those that wish to partake -will.
>On a personal level, I have had to deal with this conflict. I had a VFP 8 book deal (contract in hand). The book was with a major publisher and quite frankley, took a lot of work on my part to sell the idea. When push came to shove and I had to look at things from something other than a technical arena, I realized that a business case could not be made out to justify the expenditure of time and resources - either to myself or the publisher. For that reason, I nixed the deal. It was a very difficult thing to do because on an emotional level, I believe in this product. I owe a good deal of my career to this product.
>But, it can only go so far...
>My loyalties are to my family, my career, my clients. My primary loyalties do not rest with a product or a specific community of developers. I know there will be people - both here on the outside and in MS on the inside that will take great offense to this. To them I say - 'Get over over it!' I am not sorry for the way I feel nor for what I have said over the past few weeks. I have received several private emails voicing support for what I have said.
>The primary difference between me and many in this community - I am willing to take the heat to get a message out that I think needs saying. The fact that only a handful of people have pounced (and several of them have backed off...) says that many agree/concur with the message.
>Now that I have been ex-communicated from the family - there is really nothing left to lose..


A man is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep for that which he cannot lose.
Everything I don't understand must be easy!
The difficulty of any task is measured by the capacity of the agent performing the work.

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