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The Future of VFP for Students?
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Visual FoxPro
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Since Microsoft has owned “The Fox”, it has seemed to be a stepchild compared to other development tools sold by that company.

A view that I don't think anybody could refute..

There has been the promise of many things available in VB being available in VFP as an example.

I don't know this to be true. There are a number of technical limitations why you will not see ActiveX designers in VFP. Of course, today - with COM on the way out, there are a number of business reasons as well.

The Fox implementation in general had limitations in specific areas with promise that the next service pack would cure all. This was not always true and something that required using another tool for the required task.

When it comes to ActiveX controls, the ability to create events, etc - I would agree. There are certainly issues with IntelliSense.. Having to bail out to use other tools however, that may be just part of the territory.

With the marketing job Microsoft has given to corporate America during the last 6 years towards VFP, it is a wonder the product still exists.

You can thank the community for this. Without it, VFP would be dead...

Try to suggest to a corporate decision-maker that they should use VFP.

If they don't use VFP - it is a lost cause. Then again, MS wants these people in .NET.

I have had discussions with such individuals all over the San Francisco Bay Area who decides what tool his/her company will use. With the help of Microsoft sales types and others they have been convinced to not use VFP.

About says it all. And quite frankley, this is the dominate message from MS...

Suddenly we have Ken Levy and VFP 7.0 with Web Services. What will the impact be of this combination? Well, the cry has been for VFP developers to “Upgrade”! Now, how do you get the corporate decision-makers to “change religion”?

You don't - especially when the dominate message is to the contrary...

Personally, I think that VFP is not destined for a quick embrace from the corporate world.

It has not for the past 6 years - why should now be any different...

In fact I feel the opposite is true. VFP for the corporate world is not an option. You can give VFP all the features with all the acronyms available from Microsoft and it will not change the perception this product enjoys.

I couldn't agree more....

I love VFP but use many other tools to earn a living and support my family. In fact I see a great future for those knowledgeable with and able to use .NET

Me too..

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