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'Source not available' when debugging PRGs
30/01/2002 12:52:44
Walter Meester
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Visual FoxPro
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Hoi peter,

>>As you know I'm not a Microsoft representative, but I'll try to explain the cause of the behaviour:
>executing the module in the same directory of the project and it thus cannot find the contained objects. I suspect this behaviour is by design.
>Hi Walter. My guess is that it's not 'by design' but that the VFP-team simply forgot to serve those who want to put each 'project' in a separate map.

You mean each module. However, I suspect it will not be that easy to implement what you want. Either all relative paths in that module have to be recalculated or another clever solution has to be found without breaking backward compatibility. But who knows.....

>>One workarround that should work is to move the project files to the same dir where the app is executed and tested, and build your application from there.

>Well, it's exactly this situation that I want to prevent! I not only put each module/project in a separate map; I also arrange that - when building the app - no stuff is pulled in that's outside the map (with 'set path to'). Thus I get clean, small modules.

I agree that its cleaner to have different directories for different modules.
Why should any stuff outside the map be pulled in ? If only the project files (*.pjx and Pjt) are in the main project directory, will that be a problem ?

>>In the past i've tried to hack those files and remove all relative pathing (with JUSTFNAME(), this way VFP does search trough the path setting), however, this causes problems when developping because the project manager might not find all objects again.

>>I've played with the thoughts of building a project class which would make a copy of the project, remove all overhead from the sourcefiles and build from the copy. However, I never started this project and don't know if this even would be possible.

>I'm sure it's possible. If no one else comes with a better solution we might try this idea together.

We might, but then we first have to discuss the designgoals. There is much more to gain than what this issue. There is a lot of overhead in VFP exe files that can be removed with the help of such class.

>Bij de weg, ik heb nog steeds plannen om met z'n allen op de hei te gaan workshoppen. Misschien moeten we maar eens een datum gaan vaststellen?!

Zeg het maar, wat mij betref elke week in februari op dinsdag, woensdag of donderdag is goed. Waar zit jij ? we moeten even zien te verzinnen waar we elkaar het beste kunnen ontmoeten.


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