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Communicating with a DLL
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Visual Basic
COM, DCOM et OLE automation
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Thanks Nick for your helpful reply. I decided to simply create a generic progress form in my DLL and update the status with DoEvents during long processing. Thanks again.

>>I have a long running task that's performed by a business object ActiveX DLL installed on the same computer as the client EXE. Is there a way to get a progress status from the DLL to the EXE?
>>FYI, the client EXE knows the maximum number of computation the DLL needs to perform on a one-by-one bases till finished. I would like to display a progress status (via progressbar) of how many have finished (1 of 100 done).
>Hi John
>Yes. You can raise the event from your DLL and bind the events from your EXE.
>Option Explicit
>Public cEventname As String, Value As Variant
>Public Event SomethingHappened(ByVal cEventname As String, ByVal Value As Variant)
>Public Sub FireEvent(ByVal tEventName As String, ByVal tEventValue As Variant)
>cEventname = tEventName
>Value = tEventValue
>RaiseEvent SomethingHappened(cEventname, Value)
>End Sub
>This generic EventRaiser code can generate any number of recognizable custom events with just one event defined. The parameters determine what exactly happened and what the value is.
>When necessary call FireEvent method and pass necessary parameters like:
>myComObject.FireEvent("SHOWNAME", some_name_here)
>myComObject.FireEvent("PROGRESSBAR_UPDATE", yourvalue_here)
>Below is the code of the test form which is exactly the demo of the progress bar. Consider it rather a pseudo-code. It was working code from my VB sample for raising events from VFP COM modules, I just "converted" it back for pure VB example, but not tested this "back-converted" :) version. I hope you get an idea.
>* Test form code
>Option Explicit
>Private WithEvents oMyCom As oMyCOM 'Declare the variable using WithEvents keyword
>'which will connect the events
>Private Sub Form_Initialize()
>    Set oMyCom = New oMyCom 'Create your COM object
>End Sub
>Private Sub Form_Terminate()
>    oMyCom = Nothing
>    'Reset the object reference to the COM module
>End Sub
>Private Sub oMycom_SomethingHappened( _
>ByVal tEventname As String, _
>ByVal tEventValue As Variant)
>    If tEventname = "PROGRESSBAR_RESET" Then
>        ShapeBar.Tag = tEventValue
>        'reset the progress bar
>    End If
>    If tEventname = "SHOWNAME" Then
>        lblLastName.Caption = tEventValue
>        'Show the current person name processed
>        'in the COM module
>    End If
>    If tEventname = "PROGRESSBAR_UPDATE" Then
>        ShapeBar_SetValue (tEventValue)
>    End If
>    If tEventname = "ERROR" Then
>        MsgBox (tEventValue)
>    End If
>End Sub
>Private Sub cmdProcess_Click()
>    Call oMyCom.Process1
>    ' Run some process in VFP COM module
>End Sub
>Private Sub ShapeBar_SetValue(ByVal Value As Variant)
>Static nWidth
>Dim nPercent, nTotal
>nTotal = Val(ShapeBar.Tag)
>If nTotal > 0 Then
>    nPercent = Int(Value / Val(ShapeBar.Tag) * 100)
>    ShapeBar.Width = Int(nPercent / 100 * _
>    (ShapeUnder.Width - 15))
>    lblPercent.Caption = CStr(nPercent) & "%"
>End If
>End Sub
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