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Republicans and Free Trade
15/03/2002 13:16:50
15/03/2002 12:29:47
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>Whoa, Nellie!


>You said: "IMO he's what is bad about America.".
>There seems to be a major contradiction here between your consitiution - which when touted ALWAYS has 'freedom of speech' as its highest value - and your opinion. I read your statement as his rantings are what's bad about America. WOuld that be because they do not tally with yours? And in such a case, being as you put it "bad for America", should he be shot forthwith?. . .Or just muzzled and bound, taking food through a straw held for him?

I don't have any trouble with the notion that Mr. Chomsky has the right to say what he says. I do think that what he says is an indication of what is 'bad' about America. IOW, I think what he says (what little I have read) is, content-wise, poisonous. Does he have the right to say what he says? You bet! Do I have the right to say he's nuts? You bet! <g>

Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Oh.. And in AMerica one does not 'always' have freedom of speech. The US Supreme Court has on several occassions limited speech.

>It is my opinion that what's good about Canada and America and several other countries is that we CAN HEAR/READ MANY OPINIONS ("can" is the operative word here, 'do' being another thing altogether). Your utopia seems to have only YOUR opinions as 'good for America'.
>Now I will grant you that the media in the countries I named above do seem to follow your sensibilities. The problem I have is that their (the media's) 'take' on things is NOT THE TRUTH. Yes, they spout things that are "good for America" but that doesn't necessarily translate to 'good for the people of America'. Oh yes, they tell us they are good for us, but if we'd think a bit rather than just believe, we'd know differently.

Well, the problem as I see it Jim is along the lines of what you're getting at here. Take Bernard Goldberg's book, "Bias" as an example of my pov.

>>Note to all.
>>Noam Chomsky is anti-American at best and pro Communist at worst. He is openly anti-capitalistic and I'd take everything he says with a HUGE grain of salt. Here's one link, of many, where you can get another point of view regarding Mr. Chomsky's positions. Ehether you agree with him or not I'd recommend finding out what those folks say who disagree with Mr. Chomsky.
>>Here's one such link: http://frontpagemag.com/archives/rogues/la1-15-99.htm
>>Here's another:http://frontpagemag.com/het/classics/billingsley3-96.htm
>>Now, before anyone asserts anything to the contrary Make sure you check my references out before believing them! I'm more than delighted to have these facts come to light about Mr. Chomsky so before you swallow his point of view whole - check him out. IMO he's what is bad about America.
>>>>>At least I can hope.
>>>>And make waves. That's all that's left.
>>>Hi Dragan,
>>> You & Jim may be interested these articles. Or just do a search on +Chomsky +"free trade" to find many more.
>>>Notes on NAFTA: The Masters of Mankind.
>>>by Noam Chomsky.
>>>Noam Chomsky on Free Trade
>>>How Free is the Market? - Noam Chomsky


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