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Republicans and Free Trade
04/04/2002 17:41:37
04/04/2002 12:45:55
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>>I understand that much of the killing has been done in the name of some god or another. The god of athiesm has killed more than all others if I have my numbers coreect. Stalin, Pol Pot and all the others far outdid Herr Hitler.
>What I don't understand, Doug, is why you keep insisting that everyone beleives in some kind of god ("god of atheism"). I'm going to be as straight as I can: I do not beleive there is a god. I have seen nothing that even suggests the existence of such an entity. I have no god. Am I clear enough?

Sure you do. Your 'god' is the master passion of your life. It's what you serve. Could be physical pleasures, power, position or really just about anything. The early 'gods' were pleasure, power and prominence defined as Astarte, Molech and Baal.

What is the highest master passion of your life? That's your god. You may not give it a face or a name or even want to acknowledge it but you do serve it. You live your life to satisfy this master passion. You think about it, plan for it and spend your time devoted to it. Could be your family. Could be your car. Could be your career. COuld be anything but you do have a master passion. It could be your own mind or your belief system could be your 'god'. Not everyone anthropomorphises their god on a conscious level you know. <s>

It may be without a personality. It might not be able to talk but you and everyone else who has ever lived has a master passion (ie something they serve).

You serve a master passion, as do I and everyone else. It's just a matter of identification as to what, how or whom.

>And the main point I think you're missing, is that the killings that have been made by non-beleivers are not because the victims where not atheists,

Absolutely untrue! Go to China and start a church this very day. Take some Bibles with you and see what happens. You couldn't be more factually wrong here if you tried. Where did you ever get the idea that socialism/communism/ naziism or some of the other "ism's" weren't hostile towards those of faith. Ask Hilmar what the history of those in his faith has been for example.

>while the killings made in the name of a god were made/justified by saying that the targets where of the wrong religion. I see an enormous difference here! One "type" of killings were made for the personnal "profits" of indivual(s) while the other "type" was made for the "profits" of a religion.

I'l certainly agree that many killings have been made in the name of God. Let's start with Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism for starters.

As far as "profits" go I guess it depends on how you define the word. Those within the Islamic generally follow the phrase, "First the Friday people and then the Saturday people", meaning that first they destroy the Jews then the Christians.

What I find facinating in all of this is that you can say the word "Mohammed" no one get riled. Say the word, "Krishna" and everyone yawns. Say the word Buddha, or the name of one of the other gods and you get blank stares. Say the name Jesus and all hell breaks loose. Ever wonder why? <s>


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