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Canadian snipers to be awarded US Bronze star
25/04/2002 11:40:18
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>>>>>I think you are confusing "elite force" with "covert ops".
>>>>My point was that one tends to lead to another.
>>>Maybe when the "covert ops" fail, the "elite force" cleans up the mess, or tries too....
>>LOL! That hit my funny bone.
>>When I first joined the Air Force we were told if we got killed “they would ship us home in a pine box”! This was stated with great indifference, as you were just a number. By the time I got out four years later pine was not used – they just shipped the bodies home in a plastic bag.
>>In 1967 when I got discharged a cup of coffee was five cents. We had an expression we used a lot, “For five cents and all my Air Force medals, you can buy one cup of coffee”! So much for medals!
>>I worked with a bunch of guys who were also Viet Nam veterans and we were all around 45 years old at the time. One day at coffee break we were talking about the Navy, Army, Marine Corp and Air Force experiences we had, in a humorous and sacrilegious manner like all GI’s and ex GI’s will do.
>>I said,”You know why they want 17 years olds in the military? Just think about it. You will do whatever you are told. Imagine that sergeant telling you today, “Go take that hill boy”! I would tell him to go get f***ed! That is not desirable behavior!” Everyone cracked up and agreed and had their own versions of what they would tell that f***ing sergeant!
>>I never met anyone who wanted a medal for their action. Medals are a politically advantageous device to instill moral and prestige not only in the individual but the asshole responsible for “handing it out” and all associated with it.
>>My medals are in a box where they belong. Now for $2.00 and all my Air Force medals I can buy a $2.00 cup of Starbucks coffee. I had better hurry because the price might just go up and I will be shi* out of luck. :)
>Your story made me think of the movie "Forest Gump" In the movie Forest was awarded a Medal for his heroism and "wound to the buttocks"....He didn't even know why. He just kept seeing his friends that needed "running out of there"....
>I have a highly decorated relative....who will show you his medals, if you ask, and he keeps them loose in a box, just as you do.....He always comments that he'd rather have his fallen friends and commrades, alive, rather than a box of medals any day......


My father received the Silver Star among many other medals as a Marine in the South Pacific during WWII. He would never talk about any of it. He had two buddies who also survived out of a company of 120 men.


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