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First look at SuSE 8.0
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Reinstalling the SB512 sound driver using YaST2, and changing the wav volume to 100, cleared up everything and got the sound working.
The sound driver was blocking I/O ports used by the scsi emulation, which blocked the Zip250 and the CD-RW..
Except for the odd setting of a parameter of the sound card, SuSE 8.0 had recognized and configured everything properly. This upgrade of 7.3 to 8.0 worked far better than the upgrade from 7.2 to 7.3. I had forgotten to export the PostgreSQL db prior to the upgrade, so I will remove and reinstall PostgreSQL to clear up the clash between the old db and the new binary. I haven't recompiled the the kernel to put the ATI r128 video acceleration into the kernel in order to maximize the frames/second, but I probably will sometime this next week.

This upgrade was the best SuSE has put out. The clean install should be marvelous!

>>>>SuSE 8.0 arrived by UPS this afternoon.
>>A few questions..
>>I have used RedHat for about 2 years now. Have you? would you consider it better or worse then RedHat ?
>My first Linux distro was RH 5.0, on a single CD found in the back of a book called "Learn Linux in 24 hours", by Bill Ball.
>I presently can not give a fair evaluation, since I have not used RH since 6.0. It was the quality of RH 5.1 that prompted me to try at least 11 other distros, including SuSE 5.3. When RH 5.2 followed 5.1 almost immediately I noticed that SuSE 5.3 was still much better than 5.2. I tried RH 6.0 about the time that SuSE 6.4 was out, IIRC, and SuSE was still far ahead in quality of distro and in quantity of accompanying apps.
>Of those who have compared RedHat 7.0, Mandrake 8.0 and SuSE 7.3, they give the nod to Mandrake and SuSE, with a larger number favoring Mandrake.
>>After Installing redHat under VM ware, (running win2K) I am totally dis satified with the speed results, As a result, I am removing VM ware, and reinstaling a dual boot system with Linux / Win2K
>Don't blame you. There is no advantage is being able to switch back and forth if you system crawls. Some folks use Cygwin, which is a version Linux which can be called from a desktop icon, but creates a Linux box, sort of like a DOS box. Some are even able to run KDE in it, but most use it to run PostgreSQL. I played with it and used it as a platform to write Linux and Java apps, but even Cygwin is too slow on my P450 W2K workstation. However, when I boot into SuSE 7.3 that same box really flies!
>>is there anything in the partition manager in Suse which makes that painless ?
>SuSE's new graphical partition manager is designed specifically to create a Linux partion out of a defragged Windows partition. It is not designed to allow a VM or Cygwin type of operation, however. It just allows repartitioning a WinXX partition without resorting to FIPS, or Drake or FDisk (the linux terminal partition app).
>>What about Ximin (sp) Does Suse include that ? Lynx ?
>Yes to both counts. Lynx is a blazing speed deamon!
>BTW, SuSE can install both GNOME and KDE, although it defaults to the latter. I usually use the "Install almost everything" option, which includes the full GNOME.
>>What else, When I reformat my Laptop again, RedHat or Suse ?/ Turbo Linux.
>Well, I am biased. :-)
>>I need the command line, but I want the browser and GUI, and love speed.
>I've noticed that KDE 3.0 is faster than KDE 2.2.2. And, it is always easy to pop open an xterm to access the command line by using Cntl-T any time you wish. KOnqueror 3.0 is much inmproved over 2.2.2. In the file manager mode it includes a Cervisia button which, when clicked on a CVS directory, expands the branches, etc...
>>Suggestion ?
>I guess the biggest two reasons I go with SuSE are: QUALITY of the distro, and QUANTITY of included apps. SuSE is well put togeather, and the apps are individually configured to add to/remove from the menu structure when they are added and removed.
Nebraska Dept of Revenue

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