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Visual FoxPro
The Mere Mortals Framework
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>This has more to do with a personal grudge than bug fixes. Kevin has been pretty good about looking into bugs posted here on the UT, IMO.

Yeah, I kind of got that impression ;-) I debated as to whether I was going to make any comments re: all of this and decided, what the heck, it's a public forum and I've got an opinion < g >.

This is a little off-topic, but I have been kind of wondering about support for MM for VFP now with MM for .NET on the horizon. While I've been playing w/.NET for a while now, it's still going to be sometime before I switch any development over to it. In the meantime I'd still like to see enhancements to the existing MM's framework. There is only so much time in the day and Kevin can only work on/focus on one of them at a time.

For example, here are a few things I'd like to see:

- Support for form/control resizing (eg. like .NET anchors). I put my resizing class on the back-burner a while back (Sept. maybe), but this has suddenly become more important. Besides, this definitely falls in the category of "framework" enhancements. If I finish up my class, I'll make it available to everyone else.

- Better form support (cBizObjMaintenance in particular) for lists NOT based on the primary view of a bizobj. That is, the main list is just a lookup view that merges info from several sources. Right now this is way too much work - you have to override things in a number of places to get it to work correctly. It's easy to screw things up. This form is just so handy for short maintenance list things, but it would be even better with this kind of enhancement.

- I might be making an incorrect assumption here (I haven't tried it and what I want may be possible), but I'd like to be able to use straight VFP SQL commands to pull data in, but do it through the framework classes. The manual says you can use SPT via ODBC, which would essentially accomplish what I want, but why should we have to set up ODBC for local data? That seems like we're adding an unecessary layer.

- The new CShutDownTimer stuff is pretty cool, but it would be nice if it were a little more generic. There are a bunch of things I'd like to hang off of this class to automatically fire off events that have nothing to do with shutting down. For example, for apps. that run 24x7 using VFP tables, it would be nice if the system could automatically generate a "snapshot" of the data in a backup directory. Most tape backups do a miserable job backing up files that are left open, especially VFP tables. This could help in that respect. This could be done via something like a AddEvent() method where you could pass it an event object name, a preset time and/or filename to look for. The class maintains the list and automatically instanciates the event when required. How about inter-machine subjects and observers implemented via this mechanism?

- Kevin should include the explanation of where (and why) the menu classes are where they are that he posted here a while back in the manual.

- This more a question than an ER - is there anyway to implement subjects/observers for custom events?

OK, enough for now...

BTW - this might all come off like I'm unhappy w/the framework, support, etc. I'm not. I still think MM's is a GREAT framework, otherwise I wouldn't still be using it. I've used some of the "competition's" frameworks and MM's is just plain better.

RCS Solutions, Inc.

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