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Exploring Internet Explorer with the VFP 7 Debugger
10/05/2002 11:25:41
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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Visual FoxPro
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>>Actually, I'd recommend the combination of the instance and object browser. By exploring the class in the browser (but beware, MikeA, it's got 116 classes there) you can see what properties does it have, try them on your instance (in command window) and see them appear in the debugger, just as they did in VFP6.
>>Seems to me that the object browser is doing a better job reading the typelib (and so does intellisense, to an extent), than the poor old debugger.

>Hmmm... I can see that you are well versed in making the best of things with tin foil and chewing gum.

I figured you wouldn't know the proper geekspeak for this. In Serbian, it's called "stick and rope technology" :)

>My first experiences with Object Browser are not too encouraging. The first attempt produced a series of C5 errors, including one while it was in the process of submitting an automatic error report to MS. If you think 116 classes is rough, I made the mistake of expanding the Properties node for mshtml.dll (all 602 of them). Gee, I guess my 1GHz notebook with 256MB of memory and 50GB hard drive is no match for this stuff. After about 5 minutes, the fan kicked in. I especially like the way the status bar message says "Ready", but the progress bar shows me I've got a long way to go. Of course this whole process can't be interrupted.

There's something fishy... my machine is probably the tiny dot you see in your rear view mirror (400MHz Celeron with meagre 128M RAM), but it takes about ten seconds to expand the thing - but I didn't go for the DLL, I went for the list of available COM things and picked MSHTML Object, Microsoft Internet Controls and another one but it turned out to be just a different interface for the former, so I got these two.

>To put it quaintly, this "sucks the big wazoo", whatever the hell that means. Have you considered trying the VB6 debugger? The process you describe seems between 1 and 2 orders of magnitude slower than things would be with a proper debugger.

I've had a lot of that in VBA debugger; VB's object model is a kind of a jungle to me, because it doesn't distinguish a reference from the actual member... or does it have members at all? You know, each object has .application, and many have .font - but the .application is just a reference to the Application object, while the .font has separate properties for each object. I haven't found any way to distinguish these two, so I quite stayed out of it when I could help it.

back to same old

the first online autobiography, unfinished by design
What, me reckless? I'm full of recks!
Balkans, eh? Count them.

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