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ExtractIcon or ExtractAssociatedIcon...
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Visual FoxPro
Windows API functions
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>>What is the proper function to retrieve an icon from an executable or DLL so I can load it into a ImageList with .ADD(,"Drive",LOADPICTURE("Drive.ico"))
>Actually, neither of these will do what you want. Both return a handle to the icon. The handle can be then used by an API function such as DrawIcon(). Unfortunately, the handle does not produce a physical file and there isn't an API call that can do this directly.

Not quite. It can be done directly in VFP7:
#define PICTYPE_ICON 3
#define IID_IDispatch Chr(0x00)+Chr(0x04)+Chr(0x02)+Chr(0x00)+ ;
		Replicate(Chr(0x00), 4)+Chr(0xC0)+Replicate(Chr(0x00), 6)+Chr(0x46)

* Large icons
Declare long ExtractIconEx in shell32 String @ File, long iconIndex, ;
	long @ iconLarge, long iconSmall, long nIcons
* Small icons
*Declare long ExtractIconEx in shell32 String @ File, long iconIndex, ;
*	long iconLarge, long @ iconSmall, long nIcons

Declare Long OleCreatePictureIndirect In oleaut32 ;
	String @ PicDesc, String @ RefIID, Long fPictureOwnsHandle, Object @ IPic

IconFile = "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VFP98\VFP6.exe"
IconIndex = 6
hIcon = 0

* Large icon
ExtractIconEx(@IconFile, IconIndex, @hIcon, 0, 1)
* SmallIcon
*ExtractIconEx(@IconFile, IconIndex, 0, @hIcon, 1)

* Create Picture object according to PICTDESC structure
PictDesc = DWord(16) ;				&& Size of PICTDESC structure
		 + DWord(PICTYPE_ICON) ;	&& Type of picture
		 + DWord(hIcon) ;		&& HICON
		 + DWord(0)			&& HPALETTE
IPic = 0
iid = IID_IDispatch
OleCreatePictureIndirect(@PictDesc, @iid, 1, @IPic)

In VFP6 it's more complex:
#define PICTYPE_ICON 3
#define IID_IDispatch Chr(0x00)+Chr(0x04)+Chr(0x02)+Chr(0x00)+ ;
		Replicate(Chr(0x00), 4)+Chr(0xC0)+Replicate(Chr(0x00), 6)+Chr(0x46)
#define CP_ACP 0		&& default to ANSI code page
*-- Global Memory Flags
#define GMEM_MOVEABLE       0x0002
#define GMEM_ZEROINIT       0x0040
#define GMEM_SHARE          0x2000

Declare long ExtractIconEx in shell32 String @ File, long iconIndex, ;
	long @ iconLarge, long iconSmall, long nIcons
Declare Long OleCreatePictureIndirect In oleaut32 ;
	String @ PicDesc, String @ RefIID, Long fPictureOwnsHandle, Long @ IPic
Declare Long GlobalAlloc In kernel32 Long wFlags, Long dwBytes  
Declare Long GlobalFree In kernel32 Long hMem 
Declare Long GlobalLock In kernel32 Long hMem
Declare Long GlobalUnlock In kernel32 Long hMem
Declare Long MultiByteToWideChar In kernel32 ;
	Long iCodePage, Long dwFlags, String @ lpStr, Long iMultiByte, ;
	Long lpWideStr, Long iWideChar
Declare Long SysAllocString In oleaut32 Long szString

* This function is not documented in MSDN, but present in Platform SDK .h file
Declare Long OleSavePictureFile In oleaut32 Long IPic, Long bstrFile

IconFile = "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VFP98\VFP6.exe"
IconIndex = 6
hIcon = 0
ExtractIconEx(@IconFile, IconIndex, @hIcon, 0, 1)

* Create Picture object according to PICTDESC structure
PictDesc = DWord(16) ;				&& Size of PICTDESC structure
		 + DWord(PICTYPE_ICON) ;	&& Type of picture
		 + DWord(hIcon) ;		&& HICON
		 + DWord(0)			&& HPALETTE
IPic = 0
iid = IID_IDispatch
OleCreatePictureIndirect(@PictDesc, @iid, 1, @IPic)

tcData = "tmp.ico"
lnDataLen = 7
lhMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE+GMEM_ZEROINIT+GMEM_SHARE, 2*(lnDataLen+1))
lnPtr = GlobalLock(lhMem)
* Convert file name to wide char
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, @tcData, lnDataLen, lnPtr, lnDataLen+1)
OleSavePictureFile(IPic, SysAllocString(lnPtr))
* Memory leak here - IPic not released
* Will be fixed later

This code is from my Clipboard class. I'm going to post it into download section when I'll have a time.

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