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I don't see it your way. I think Ken is doing a great job. He has made some very valuable contributions to the Fox community as a developer, and I think he is doing everything he can to promote VFP. There is nothing wrong with promoting dotNet. dotNet and VFP work together. I think that Ken and other have been pushing us to use VFP, but to use other tools as well.

>Is it possible that Ken is not interested in promoting FoxPro whatsoever.
>Look at the facts. Since he got involved with Fox, there has been more and more disenfranchise within the VFP community. Even with some of the most respected members.
>The chain of events:
>Ken promises the world with Fox and does nothing. Fox developers running around like idiots chanting "The best is yet to come".
>Next scene Ken starts asking Fox developers if they are going to use VB or C#. Then uses that as the grand opportunity to SELL VB and try to scare VFP developers into learning it. When he was questioned, he answers that he was only responding to other developers questions. IMHO this is a lie because he baited people with the question just to open the door to push VB.
>Now the messages heat up. Some defend Ken others are critical. Bottom line is, a level of break up occurs in the VFP community.
>Now Ken lays low, John Peterson comes out of nowhere and, like no one else can, creates another huge disturbance but this ones really big because he manages to get part of the VFP team involved too.
>JVP tells John, and the whole UT, that he has spoken with Ken and recommended that he back off rather than face a skilled arbiter such as JVP.
>Ken, seeing eye to eye with JVP, agrees and thanks him for the opportunity to protect his employee.
>Think of what that would do to your job satisfaction if someone who is publicly bashing you proves to have a better relationship with your boss than you do.
>How would you perform after that?
>Would you be more or less committed to the job?
>IMHO, Ken’s purpose is to breakup the Fox developers. He knows we'll go to a .NET language which is what MS wants. If the group divides within themselves, MS does not have to listen to the VFP developers looking for more features or a marketing program that would allow for dignity as a VFP developer without first having to convince everyone it’s a real language.
>The real sad part is the some of the best VFP talents have gotten to deep in defending Ken and stating a commitment to use only VFP right now that they are cutting their own opportunity to be as great in the .NET world as they are in the VFP world.
>Selling out their own careers to stand up for a non stand up guy. Personally, I think the VFP community has some of the best speakers of any. Some of you guys have an opportunity to be what you are in VFP world in the .NET realm. The folks at CODE magazine realize this. I hope no one is backing themself into a corner, forever branding themself a hypocrite should they choose to embrase .NET.
>If I read the web site correctly, the FoxPro based software that Mike Helland works on has a distribution base of 2200 users.
>Microsoft go what, $400. for Mikes’s copy of VFP. Why would they want to promote Fox?
>Ken has achieved his goal. (With a little help) He has created turmoil both in the VFP community and within the team itself.
>The destruction of Fox is occurring from the inside out. (Now that we have the antiFox leading the team.)
>Ken has exactly the personal track record that MS wanted to head up the Fox team. Someone who leaves a trail of failure behind them.
>However, here he is a success.
>Am I the only one who sees it this way?
Chris McCandless
Red Sky Software

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