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Our first troll?
14/05/2002 23:37:25
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Say, where is "The Junction"?

>>Or do you actually think that the world is a friendly place and owes you the respect you only get by earning? I mean absolutely no offense but them's the facts. You get a chance to show your stuff just like everyone else. Just don't waste your time trying to prove something you don't need to and cannot prove to begin with.
>I dont think the world owes me anything other then a chance, which is one the things it doesnt provide.

Not you perhaps but far too many others do. You seem to have taken my generaalization and made it personal. It really wasn't meant that way.

>>If you allow yourself to feel somehow slighted as a result of your age then you are allowing an irrational emotional thought to rule your life. I tease Mike Helland all the time about his youth and he's finally figured it out and has started teasing me about my age. He has finally come to realize that my teasing is a sign of respect and if you allow yourself to 'feel' slighted you only prove your emotional youth.

Well you did seem to get your back up a bit. <s>

>rule my life?

If the passio controls you - you bet.

>neither is true.
>I dont like the attitude of people, but I also dont care.

Wel, I don't like the attitudes of some people though the folks here are by and large the finest you'll find. It's the welfare ticks I have trouble with. Not those who are in genuine need but those who think everyone else owes them.

For example.. I had a 21 year old fellow who worked for me who was our network administrator. He made roughly twice what another fellow makes who still works for me. He (the first guy) was always out of money whereas the second guy and his wife have purchased a home. The first guy was always griping about not having any $$ and as far as I could tell it was his own fault. Poor money management. When things got a little tight at work he was one of the loudest complainers. Rather than change his lifestyle and conserve some of his cash for the proverbial rainy day he bitched and to my face asserted that he was a victim! Pahh.. A whinry cry-baby IMO. The second fellow just keeps coming to work and doing his job and the first chance I get I'm going to try and give him as large a raise as I am able. Why? Attitude, pure and simple. I have little tie for those who sit around feeling sorry for themselves.

>>Your peers are thinking about sex. < BG >
>Well that depends on the cross section of peers you take.

Well, unless things are vastly different in Australia than here I dare say that most 19 year olds pretty much think about these kinds of things. <s>

>I think youll find they only really think about this when they are out in town having a good time (drunk) and having a perv.

Uh huh.. <g>

>But I dont drink, and I have a girlfriend of 3 years that I live with, so personally I dont waste my thoughts.

I applaud you for not drinking. Do yourself a favor - make the committment and marry the girl. If you love her, why not. <s>

>>You're taking this far too seriously. If you're 19 you need to realize that I've been programming as long as you have been alive. <g> That just makes me an old fart, envious at your youth and you a young fart, full of yourself and the potential God has given you. Don't waste it!
>Does programming come into this at all?

Yep. All over the place. Attitude is a great place to start. <s>

>Ive been doing it for 8 years, and I dont intend to waste it, otherwise I wouldnt of dedicated so much of my youth to it.

Wow.. Started at around 11/12? Facinating. What languages.?


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