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15/05/2002 12:07:08
15/05/2002 11:27:25
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That would be Doug? <g>

>>> The day you (John Petersen) and Steve Black can go for more than two or
>>> three message without trying to kill each other <g> will be the day that
>>> the both of you start showing a little more maturity and candidly I hope
>>> it's sooner rather than later. You both have tons to offer but you're like
>>> a couple of bickering schoolgirls.
>>> Wonderful! You ask them to show more maturity and your next sentence is
>>> a sexist comment...
>>> I am not joking, or at least not entirely.
>> Oh for goodness sakes Daniel! Put anyone in there you like. Surely you
>> have more than pablum for brains - I've seen them demonstrated here a lot
>> lately.
>> Now, have you ever seen schoolgirls go st each other? <g> Like it or not
>> it is a fact and it is not sexist, unless you've allowed society to do all
>> of your prime thinking for you. Those horemones start to swirl around and
>> the claws start to grow.. <g> You must not have many sisters or nieces or
>> you've never asked them if this kind of behavior really happens.
>> I swear I just can't believe how gullible some folks are and how easy it
>> is to manipulate them. All you have to do is say, "racist", or "sexist"
>> and people fall right into line like a bunch of knuckleheads... <g> I
>> guess we really have feminized our culture. Listen to the news some time.
>> Really listen. Do they ask "feel" questions or "think" questions? And in
>> what proportion?
>> Besides.. What in the world is wrong with celibrating the differences
>> between male and female?????
>> Sheesh.. <g>
>Yes, I have seen schoolgirls go at each other . Yes, I have seen schoolboys go at each other. My experience tells me that boys go at it far more often than girls do. Maybe it's a cultural, maybe it's not. Maybe you remember the occasions when girls went at it because they were more interesting to a young boy impressionable mind. Or maybe not.


>What is your fact? If you were simply stating that schoolgirls sometimes bicker, I will not debate it because you're right. If it's something else entirely, then I would like to know.

John and Steve seem to look for ways to go after each other. They almost always fall immediately into "you said", "you said" and then argue about that. I call that bickering.

>I believe your comment was sexist because you assign a demeaning connotation to schoolgirls when in fact they may be far more innocent than boys in that respect.

I'm comfortable that you feel that way.

>Bickering schoolgirls. Boys will be boys. What's wrong with this picture? Why is it acceptable for boys to argue but not for girls? I don't want society to sanitize us to the point where the majority of the people believe there is no difference between males and females, but I sure hope it will continue to promote gender equality.

I don't recall asserting that I thought that it was "acceptable for boys to argue", did I? Can you show me where I actually asserted this please - or apologize for inserting your thoughts into my messages.

Unless you want to argue about it. <g>

"gender equality" - What the heck is that??? There's no such thing. As a matter of fact there are NO EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS - at least in terms of capabilities, attitude or anything else. We're all individuals. If you mean equal before the law - sure, Lady Justice had a blindfold over her eyes the last time I looked. But, the notion of equality before the law has its roots in the notion that all men are equal in God's eyes. Now... Given that we are fortunate enough here in the US to have this notion codified in our laws is great. In practice money tends to separate and make things less equal in terms of access. Should the law be applied equally without regard to status, wealth or anything else. I guess in most cases, sure... Is it? Nope.. But, falling into the socialist trap of confusing equal outcome with equal opportunity is sloppy thinking at best.

Given that then why don't we get rid of all the touchy-feely special programs that are specifically geared towards one race or another which are, in reality, more often than not absolute faiures, and truly make our society colorblind and sex-blind (Gender is the technically incorrect word BTW). The problem is is that in fact there are differences and to point them out is not sexist - it's realistic.

Unless you're a politically correct knucklehead. <g>

>About newscasts. I listen to the news on NPR because I don't find much value in television newscasts.

NPR - Ah, yes.. Deceit with Dignity at its best. <g>

>I choose depth before breadth.

Well, in that case I'd say go read a book. <g>

>It's perfectly ok for you to have a different opinion.

Gee, thanks. That's very magnanimous of you. <g>

>As for celebrating the differences between male and female, stating that schoolgirls are bickering is not exactly cause for celebration…

No, but they do bicker whether you want to see it or not.

The problem most folks have Daniel is that they don't really want the truth.


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