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Joe Bob was me...
16/05/2002 23:52:31
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You first admitting you were Joe Bob, I thought, this is a sweet moment. JVP is not such a bad egg.

Then you blew it all away exactly one reply later. You gracefully admit you did a scumbag thing. Then instead of graciously proceeding on your way, you gratuitously swat at me (as you admitted in a later message), you ass! Then you redefine a fundamental economic term to support a bogus claim, and make more unsubstantiated claims about the past and the future (liar!) all in the same freaking message. It degenerates from there.

For your information, From Myriam Webster:
Ethics: Etymology: Middle English ethik, from Middle French ethique, from Latin ethice, from Greek EthikE, from Ethikos. Date: 14th century.
1 plural but singular or plural in construction : the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation
2 a : a set of moral principles or values
2 b : a theory or system of moral values
2 c : plural but singular or plural in construction : the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group
2 d : a guiding philosophy

So please, don't redefine ethics to suit your purposes, you scumbag. Ethics isn't about redemption. Your admitting to be Joe Bob isn't about ethics. That was all about damage control.

Coming out of the closet was truly admirable. Honestly. Message #655875 is positively Big, Phat, and deeply touching. The immediate relapse into a liar, and ass, and a scumbag, and in the very next reply no-less, well, that's how you operate, isn't it? You made a magnificent and gracious re-entrance. It's a shame you didn't have the class to make it last for longer than one link in the thread.

JVB: Now, you are dismissed....

I don't think so. Guess again.

**--** Steve

>Your 15 minutes are up...
>Ethics is about a code of conduct. Me admitting I was Joe Bob, that was entirely about ethics. Do you know why I did it? Because it was brought to my attention that suspicion was finding its way to you. As much as I cannot stand you, that would not have been fair for you..
>Ethics is about standing up and doing the right thing. It is not about making mistakes. There are two things I know about this issue:
>1. God is the only being that is mistake proof.
>2. You ain't him...
>There may be some soggy: either between your ears or somewhere south of the equator...I am not sure. IAC, it sits in your camp.
>Now...back off....
>And one last thing.. If I were saying anything *that* controversial, MS would have clamped down on me. TO date, no phone calls....
>Now, you are dismissed....

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