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VFP 7 bug on SET RESOURCE command
17/05/2002 10:53:42
17/05/2002 10:09:36
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Visual FoxPro
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Hi Jim,

Please understand that I am in no way trying to fan any flames with regard to the issues and perspectives at hand. :-) My only purpose was to try to help resolve what ( appears to me ) to be, at least to some degree, some differences in perspectives on cetain issues, particularly how bugs are perceived, in the interest of coming to consensus, even if it is to agree to disagree and maintain good relationships. This was specifically in relation to the "CDX bloat" thread since it seems to keep coming up as a point of contention. I understand that many ( perhaps most or all ) have passionate feelings on various and sundry issues. I do too. :-) I am also not suggesting that any one person have to recant their views on any particular issues. I am certain that all will agree that each of has a right to our views, even in the cases we ( i.e. I ) may be incorrect. Certainly, none of can be correct all the time. :-)

With regard to the "bug" issue, your following statement is, to me, the issue since it states your view as to what you understand a bug is:

>My definition of a "bug" is a rather simple one: if something does not act as documented OR if something acts differently between product releases without notice that the change was intentional then we have something called a "bug".

The problem is that ( although there may be one ) I do not know of any formal definition from MS as to what is actually classed as a bug. If there is I would like to see it for my own edification and understanding. Therefore others might define a bug differently. I would think this is ok as long as we understand each other's perspective in order to understand each other.

Ultimately for me, all of these products we use ( VFP, VB, VS.NET, etc, etc. ) will eventually "go away" because things come and things go. They're just tools. ( Horrors :-) ) But the relationships we develop with others are the really important things ( IMHO :-) ). Maintaining our relationships with others is at best difficult, especially over a medium like the web, but I believe it is a worthwhile endeavor, even when we passionately disagree on issues. This is the only point I wish to communicate.

William A. Caton III
Software Engineer
Atlanta, Ga.

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