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Excuse my ramblings but I feel like voicing my opinion, a few observations and a few other things.

Visual FoxPro was also taught at U.C. Davis, and San Jose State University. That is no longer true. The reality is that higher education typically does not teach a programming language that is commonly used in industry. One of the most popular languages taught in school is C, and everyone must create his/her own compiler. Imagine how many compilers exist for C?

Dropping VFP from higher education is not unexpected in my book. It seems this is the first time the academic world agrees with industry. There is less and less work for VFP available. That is reality and difficult to argue with. Anyone who thinks otherwise is having delusions! I am speaking of VFP opportunities, which began in 1995 through today – there is a general decline. The peak was reached during 1996 from the data I have.

By the way I have been given an offer to teach at Chico State University. My wife and I are discussing this possibility. If I do not do it now I will when I retire in a few years. I can teach History, Political Science and Application Development. Perhaps a strange combination but interesting. Should I teach VFP because I like it or something relative that will assist the student in the “real world”? My dream is to retire in Spain and play flamenco guitar, which I do here on the West Coast. I am fed up with Silicon Valley and what it has become.

I have met and worked with many Ph.D.’s some of whom were in computer science. Those from computer science never wrote an application – they did churn out many students who had no clue what the programming industry demanded. To be responsible the academic world must be aware of the needs of industry and teach students to be successful in the real world.

John, you have contributed a good deal to the VFP community. You have friends and “non friends”. Your personal attacks, terminology and choice of words used to express your viewpoint turn off many people. You are like the “junk yard dog”, you will not let go until it suits you. Although I agree with your message and have stated so your manner can elicit negativity and personal attack. Soon this forum is like a hen house under attack from “the fox”.

It does not take long before it seems like your relationship with certain forum members is similar to the marriage of Virginia Wolfe and her husband. Now who started the name calling and why? It is long forgotten but the fight goes on. Any word may be taken out of context and examples are used that provoke more dissatisfaction. It becomes like a feeding frenzy of sharks and nothing productive comes of it. Perhaps that is reality and will not change. I can hope it can improve though. Just call me the eternal optimist! :)

Let there be peace!

Tom - in "Lovely Silicon Valley"!

P.S. I do not believe in "twit filters".

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