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I'm really getting tired of your accusations. On May 20th, they committed the beginning of the VB.NET runtime support to CVS. I'll repeat again - I may make mistakes in what I say, but I don't mislead intentionally. As far as an effort to talk about the differences, I'll also repeat what I said - in my opinion, there are misunderstandings about VB.NET - for instance, the difference between a parser and compiler. I'm committed to being open about it. I thought, maybe incorrectly, that people would actually appreciate having someone that works with this stuff every day come in and speak about what's available and give information and answers to questions.

MS is not pushing the VB initiative. I am clearing up misconceptions, and stating (once again) that to me, being a VFP developer (and a FB developer before that), that VB.NET is a better choice for that category of developer - given the issues that I brought up earlier. It isn't the better choice for everyone, but selecting a language based on wrong information (like C# is the only language for mono, or C# gives the same error information during development) doesn't help anyone.

Again, I respect your choice. Please respect mine.


>The Mono effort (which is porting things to other platforms) includes a VB.NET compiler as well as the C# one.
>You need to stop misleading the community, again.
>The exact quote from http://www.go-mono.com/faq.html is "In the future we might work on other compilers that target the Common Language Runtime."
>I don't understand why you need to broadcast false information in order to boost the popularity of VB.
>Do you have a specific resource that you'd like to share with us that says otherwise?
>It puzzles me as to why Microsoft is pushing the VB initiative and not .NET in general. With Visual Studio 6 Microsoft representatives have stated the following:
>"Use C++ if you need fast applications"
>"Use VB if you need to applications fast"
>"Use VFP if you need a database intensive application"
>"Use J++ for internet applications"
>What is the equivelant of the .NET languages? "Use VB for everything"?
>Or maybe you have inside information that should be shared with all of us as to why we should choose VB over C#? Is C# gonna be another VFP situation where Microsoft is gonna drop it within a few years and the community will have to step in and save it?
>If neither of these apply then I believe Microsoft (which includes you) should provide non-biased opinions on any .NET language. Or better yet, help companies find the best language for their solution whether it be .NET or not. Maybe this way we can try to get VFP back into the picture.
>.NET is a very powerful language but it's not a solution for every company. I'd like to see Microsoft (including you) recommend what is best for the solution. That would mean recommending VFP, C#, C++ or VB. Not just VB.

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