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CBizObjMaintenanceForm's Pageframe misbehaving
24/06/2002 11:17:18
Jason Mesches
Ocean Systems Engineering Corporation
Carlsbad, California, United States
General information
Visual FoxPro
The Mere Mortals Framework
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Hello, Alex...
Any chance that clicking on page 4 causes code to run, which, in turn, sets focus to a control on a different page... perhaps, page 2?

As far as the message to "save your changes," that usually means something is changing the data in the primary BizObj's (usually the one used to populate the grid on page 1) InitialSelectedAlias. When focus comes back to page 1, the framework checks if changes have been made, using GetFldState(). If changes are found, user gets the message you quoted.

Hope that sheds some light on the subject!

>I have a form based on cBizObjMaintenanceForm.
>I added two more pages to the two that the class includes by default.
>First page has the built-in grid and buttons, the second and third pages have some textboxes with detail
>information about the record selected in the first page, and the fourth page has a cListObjEdit that displays lists of
>records linked to the record selected in the first page.
>Page 4 appears to have a problem that causes the rest of the form to confuse mouse-clicks once I clicked on
>Page4's tab.
>These are patterns I've been able to reproduce:
>1. When I open the form, the first time that I hit the tab for Pag4, Page2 opens up. Here's the sequence:
>- Open the form.
>- Click Page2 (Page2 comes up).
>- Click Page3 (Page3 comes up).
>- Click Page4 (Page2 comes up and there's a hairline border around the Pagetab's caption).
>- Click Page4 again (Page4 comes up and there's a hairline border around the Pagetab's caption).
>- Click Page3 (Nothing happens).
>- Click Page3 again (Page3 comes up).
>- Click Page2 (Page2 comes up).
>2. The form asks me if I want to save changes even though I didn't make any (and in this case the pageframe
>also responds with the wrong page coming up):
>- Open Form.
>- Double-click on one of the entries in Page1's list (Page2 comes up).
>- Click on page3 (Page3 comes up).
>- Click on Page4 (Page2 comes up).
>- Click on Page4 again (Page4 comes up).
>- Click on Page3 (Nothing Happens).
>- Click on Page3 again (Page3 comes up).
>- Click on Page2 (Page2 comes up).
>- Click on Page1 (Application msg: Do you want to save your changes first? yes/no/cancel).
>3. Short version of the above:
>- Open Form.
>- Double-click on one of the entries in Page1's list (Page2 comes up).
>- Click on Page3 (Page3 comes up).
>- Click on Page4 (Page2 comes up).
>- Click on Page1 (Application msg: Do you want to save your changes first? yes/no/cancel).
>The above problems happen ONLY when I get to click page4. If I open the form and just keep clicking on Page1,
>Page2, and Page3 but don't touch Page4, everything works normally.
>Anybody has any clues about this?

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