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Grid: losing the column's DynamicBackColor
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Hi Chris,

Is tmptime your GrdTime.RecordSource?
I may try to reproduce what you have. It might be related to SELECT in your code.
* Combo.When()
l_return = .t.
SELECT tmptime
IF BETWEEN(tmptime.projfk,1,10)
  wait window "tmptime.projfk = "+ALLTRIM(STR(tmptime.projfk))
  l_return = .f.

* [NN]
* thisform.GridHighlighter1.OnPostSetDynamicColor() && Not sure why you should have this line here. OnPostSetDynamicColor() will run automatclly when GHL initializes.
* [NN]

RETURN l_return
>Have implemented the gridhighlighter but still have the problem if i have code in the WHEN clause of a combobox thats used in the grid. I there is no code in the WHEN, it works (but row is NOT readonly, which is a problem).
>In the OnPostSetDynamicColor method, i have the following:
>lcHost = THIS.cHostname
>THISFORM.GrdTime.Column1.DynamicBackColor = "IIF( BETWEEN(tmptime.projfk,1,10), RGB(215,255,215), RGB(255,255,255))"
>THISFORM.GrdTime.Column2.DynamicBackColor = "IIF( BETWEEN(tmptime.costfk,1,10), RGB(215,255,215), RGB(255,255,255))"
>Have added the same code to OnPreHighlight_row and OnPostHighlight_row too.
>In the WHEN clause of the combo thats located in column1, i have the code:
>l_return = .t.
>SELECT tmptime
>IF BETWEEN(tmptime.projfk,1,10)
>  wait window "tmptime.projfk = "+ALLTRIM(STR(tmptime.projfk))
>  l_return = .f.
>RETURN l_return
>Wondering if u are able to use the WHEN method and NOT have it impact row highlighting.
>Highlighter is great by the way. Very easy to implement.
>>Hi Chris,
>>You might want to try my Grid Highlighter, file#9798 in Downloads section.
>>>I lose the DynamicBackColor for some rows of a grid due to the addition of code in the WHEN clause of a combobox in the gridcolumn.
>>>In a form's INIT, i have the following to color this a grid column for a few particular grid rows:
>>>THISFORM.GrdTime.Column1.DynamicBackColor = "IIF( BETWEEN(tmptime.projfk,6,11), RGB(215,255,215), RGB(255,255,255))"
>>>I also need to makes these same rows readonly. In the WHEN clause of the gridcolumn's Combobox, i have the following:
>>>l_return = .t.
>>>SELECT tmptime
>>>IF BETWEEN(tmptime.projfk,6,11)
>>>   l_return = .f.
>>>RETURN l_return
>>>This works fine with regard to being keeping the particular row cells readonly.
>>>The problem is that after i click on the combobox in column1 of the grid (cant change the value... which is good), the background turns white.
>>>I have tried placing the same "DynamicBackColor" command in the CLICK and LOSTFOCUS methods of the combo to turn back on the coloring of the row cells, without luck. Row colors remain white.
>>>If i comment out the code in the WHEN (and just RETURN), the color stays but the combo is no longer readonly.
>>>Any ideas?
Nick Neklioudov
Universal Thread Consultant
3 times Microsoft MVP - Visual FoxPro

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work." - Thomas Edison

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