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18/07/2002 14:59:43
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Visual FoxPro
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>> SB: No, John, I don't see any sign that the VFP downturn is any worse than that of the IT industry as a whole, or in the case of conferences the IT/Travel industry as a whole.

> JBP: A little back-peddling I see...

What? Where am I back-peddling? I've always said this, and in this thread in particular, from the very start.

You just can't (or don't) read.

>> SB: Moreover considering the hundreds of sources where people can get information instantly online, I'd expect that all VFP magazines would have ceased to exist by now, but they haven't.

> JBP: Wouldn't that apply to all print magazines? Other print magazines seem to be thriving..

... under different names, twice or thrice rebranded as MS zigs and zags. *Again* I ask you, not that I expect that you'll answer intelligently, what does this tell us about the vitality and commercial viability of the VFP segment?

>> SB: Note you point to specific conferences or magazines, and I'm looking at the aggregate picture which you conveniently completely disreguard.

> JBP: I am looking at the aggregate picture of VFP today as compared to 5-7 years ago. As far as the entire industry is concerned, I would not paint Fox as being in a favored position over other tools.

Again I'll point out that 7 years ago we were with VFP 3. As you have been reminded, 5 years ago we were just starting VFP 5, the very dawn of the post Win-16 era. If you think times were good then, business-wise or from a technical perspective, well that makes you a certifyable raving bobo.

>> SB: I've said this before: You *NEED* VFP to tank because in this community you're forever going to be Joe Bob.

> JBP: Not so. In fact, I don't see the fortunes of the VFP community being tied to the product.

Huh? You can't read.

>> SB: What I see are some people having bumpy rides right now. No s**t sherlock. In my view, in aggregate, VFP developers seem in fact be doing rather well compared to any and maybe all other segments.

> JBP: VFP developers doing better than average, better than all other segments??? You have nothing to back that assertion up.

... as I clearly state there. Not that you've ever backed-up or substantiated *any* of your enlightened takes. I'll say it again: I see no evidence whatsoever that VFP developers are faring (or will fare) any worse than any others. In other words, I'm saying (and showing) that your take is fabricated and weak.

>> SB: You seem incapable to grasp that VFP's position is the sum of VFP's position and the overall industry trends. I see a gradually falling industry-wide tide, and you see VFP sinking. Here's news bud: the sinking you percieve is yours. I see zero evidence that VFP is losing buoyancy and, in fact, it may well be gaining relatively, for all I know.

> JBP: No sinking here.... I got off the boat quite some time ago. Gaining MORE relatively, as far as you know. You don't know much....

Coming from you that's a compliment. Actually you've been jumping on and off the boat for some time now. Gee, I wonder what will happen next.

> JBP: Let's just wait and see over the next 18-24 months...


**--** Steve

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