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Question Abt. Data Environment
27/12/1997 01:32:05
Vinod Parwani
United Creations L.L.C.
Ad-Dulayl, Jordan
25/12/1997 08:50:18
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
General information
Visual FoxPro
Forms & Form designer
Thread ID:
Message ID:
Thanks !! I got ur Zip file also, Haven't tried it yet but going to do it now...

Thanks for your help..

>>>It's just for a builder instead of opening every DE and pasting the method.
>>>Create it as a custom class by setting the cPathChanger as a string representation of the method than in builder.dbf add an entry with type Form pointing to it (ie: set classlib, classname, description etc. in builder.dbf).
>>>If you are going to make it a builder add three placeholder params (builder.app needs them).
>>>When you right click on form in designer and select builder you can call this to write the code to DE.beforeopentables.
>>>Another -maybe easier and faster- method is to write a prg that will browse through all scx files in the project and add this method to DE class. If you need this I can send you a ready routine, just change the cMethodStr part.
>>After reading ur code, I realise how Less I know VFP....
>>Thank you very much... Can you pls send me your ready routine also, I have lot of forms & this way I can save my lot of time...
>Hi Vinod,
>Delivered it sometime ago but my mail server posted me a message that you couldn't be reached. Here is a copy :
>#DEFINE nl chr(13)+chr(10)
>cPathChanger = ;
>'cNewDataPath = _screen.comment'+nl+;
>'set path to (cNewDataPath)'+nl+;
>'nDataObjects = amembers(aMyArray,this,2)'+nl+;
>'cOldPath = this.&aMyArray[1]..database'+nl+;
>'cNewDbPath = cNewDataPath+substr(cOldPath,rat("\",cOldPath))'+nl+;
>'for ix = 1 to nDataObjects'+nl+;
>' if this.&aMyArray[ix]..baseclass = "Cursor"'+nl+;
>' this.&aMyArray[ix]..database = cNewDbPath'+nl+;
>' endif'+nl+;
>* Assuming you have a structure like :
>* ..\Appdir\..
>* ..\Appdir\Form && Where forms reside
>* and default working loc is ..\AppDir
>* Put this as many as your form file locations changing the first parm
>* If you should maintain extra paths in set path you can change the line in cPathchanger as follows :
>*'set path to (cNewDataPath)'+nl+; remove this line add below
>*'restore from OriginalPath.mem additive'+nl+;
>*'set path to (cOrgPath+";"+cNewDataPath)' +nl+;
>*You can create OriginalPath.mem with cOrgPath holding the needed common paths as either from config.fpw
>* or in main prog entry.
>*In either case
>* cOrgPath = set("path")
>* save to OriginalPath all like cOrgPath
>*would do the job once common paths are set and in one of these common paths you
>*should keep your common tables
>function pastemethod
>lparameters cFormFilesLoc, cMethodName, cMethodStr
>* Just to make update on indiviual dirs instead of global all subdirs
>* Call like =pastemethod("Form", "opentables", "set deleted on"+chr(13)+chr(10)...)
>_cliptext = cMethodStr
>set safe off
>cCheckExistence = "procedure "+lower(cMethodName)
>for fcnt = 1 to alen(formfiles,1)
> use (formfiles[fcnt,1]) alias DECHANGER
> locate for class = "dataenvironment"
> if atc(cCheckExistence,lower(methods)) > 0
> wait window ;
> (formfiles[fcnt,1])+" has already "+cMethodName+" defined ! Check by hand."
> keyboard "{Ctrl+PGDN}" && Open browse edit or call a utility form here - this one was easy for me
> browse fields Methods && Just paste and modi some if needed - saved to cliptext
> else
> replace methods with methods+iif(empty(methods),"",nl)+ ;
> "PROCEDURE "+cMethodName+nl+ ;
> cMethodStr+nl+ ;
> endif
> use in "DECHANGER"
>*PROCEDURE BeforeOpenTables
>** These might be useful to add too - These are datasession specific, not global like in old FP -
>*set deleted on
>*set date to dmy
>*set exclusive off

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