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>>Like I said, boy are you in for a rude awakening.
>Don't think so because I'm listening to the advice of experts,

Auther Anderson? :-) Merriel Lynch? Dick Lay?
Or the hundreds of brokers who make money by churning stocks? (Isn't it nice that they make a commission on the buy and on the sell, and they incourage both. Talk about conflict of interest!)

>not brokers or financial planners or any of these other idiots. I'm well diverisified and sticking to the only thing that is proven to work. Dollar cost averaging- I invest fixed amounts over fixed intervals. It has been proven time and time again the person who does so will have a lower cost per share than the person who tries to time the market.
>What else can I do, put my money in mason jars?
>Most importantly, the ratio of stocks to bonds in my portifolio is inversely proportational to my age. In the other words, by the time I reach retirement and need to draw down funds, I will have no stocks and thus no risk. At no point was I ever greater than 60% stocks. Now I'm down to about 40% at age 43 and will be down to 0% stocks by retirement.
>I feel a lot of compassion for people who lost their savings. But I must say anyone who puts all their eggs in one basket, is not investing, they are gambling. Also, anyone in stock near retirement is a gambler too. To me gambling and greed are the same thing.
>I must admit during the past few years I wanted to buy alot of stocks, but I didn't let GREED get the best of me. I settled for a much lower return in exchange for saftey and piece of mind. You must be your own best advocate!
>Open almost any Economics textbox. Somewhere in the first chapter it will say "There is no free lunch".
>I have full faith in Capitolism and the American way!

So do I. What Enron, (and Microsoft) represents isn't capitalism or the American way, unless robber barrons represent the American Way.

Nebraska Dept of Revenue

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