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Help with SPT code
09/08/2002 11:23:34
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
09/08/2002 11:05:08
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Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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>I am still having trouble with this and those I support are breathing hot and heavy for my soultion. My solution lies in your expertise with SQL statements. I will try to explain my situation again because in the message you sent me before there might have been some question as to what I need.
>I have one table in AS400. It has a field of document numbers and a field of descriptions. In the table for what ever reason the same document number can be listed many times each with a different portion of the description. So to get a complete picture of the document all the records of that number have to be brought together.
>Now my sistuation. I want to query the AS400 table by a word that is in the description. Say the word 'CLOTH'. I will get every record that the word 'CLOTH' is in. But I will not necessarly get all the records of each document since the word 'CLOTH' is not in every line of the description.
>So I need some way to pull up all the document records that have the word 'CLOTH' in any part of the description.

Let me see if I understood it right :
DocNum Description
------ -------------
1      Some description
2      In our excellent washers 
1      Some more description
2      you can safely
3      Wear heavy clothing when
2      wash any type of clothes
3      leaving for arctics
If you put poor English a part your query should return ? :
DocNum Description
------ -------------
2      In our excellent washers 
2      you can safely
2      wash any type of clothes
3      Wear heavy clothing when
3      leaving for arctics
SQL1 (Get DocNums) - don't know AS400 function support, guess supports upper() and maybe even some more easier ones :

select distinct DocNum from myTable where upper(Description) like '%CLOTH%'

SQL2 (Get a series of records) :
select * from myTable

Combine with a where :
select * from myTable ;
  where DocNum in ;
 ( select distinct DocNum from myTable ;
   where upper(Description) like '%CLOTH%' ) ;
  order by DocNum
select * from myTable t1 ;
  where exists ;
 ( select * from myTable t2 ;
   where t1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and ;
      upper(Description) like '%CLOTH%' ) ;
  order by DocNum
lnResult = SQLExec(gnHandle, 
  "select * from myTable"+ ;
  "  where DocNum in "+;
  " ( select distinct DocNum from myTable "+;
  "   where upper(Description) like '%CLOTH%' ) "+;
  "  order by DocNum", 'myCursor')
Çetin Basöz

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