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Complicated logic for Report
14/08/2002 04:43:38
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Visual FoxPro
Reports & Report designer
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Hi Gregory,

After exchanging with you couple of mails in the last couple of days we start to think identical :) Yes, this was my final idea too, e.g. I was going to prepare a cursor with extra summary info fields.

However, fortunately for me, the users changed their minds and decided that they don't want detail at all, only summary. So, I produced a summary cursor and produced the report based on this new cursor...

Thanks again.

>If I understand correctly you want group/report totals/avg at the top of a group/report.
>It can be done (Had to do it for balance sheets where the total is printed before any detail)
>Basically, we produce a cursor that has the total info available when needed
>You need to run you report off a cursor
>prior to launching the report you modify the cursor a bit
>Let's go by a basic example
>Suppose a cursor
>State, year, week, amount
>select State, ;
>       Year, ;
>       Week, ;
>       amount ;
>    from Table1, Table2, ...
>    into cursor tmp1 ;
>    where ( .. ) ;
>    order by 1, 2, 3
>select State ,;
>       year, ;
>       week, ;
>       sum(amount) as State_year_week_amount ;
>    from tmp1 ;
>    into cursor tmp2 ;
>    group by 1, 2, 3
>Select tmp1.State, ;
>       tmp1.Year, ;
>       tmp1.Week, ;
>       tmp1.amount, ;
>       tmp2.State_year_week_amount ;
>    from tmp1, tmp2 ;
>    into cursor tmp ;
>    where   ( tmp1.State == tmp2.State ) ;
>        and ( tmp1.Year == tmp2.Year ) ;
>        and ( tmp1.Week == tmp2.Week ) ;
>   order by 1, 2, 3
>now you have State_year_week_amount available to print in the group header
>You can do similar for report totals (and print them on the first page only).
>just add the fields you need to the cusor with a select.
>Those fields will be available in the detail band, but there is no need to print them there. Only print them in a header
>In addition, if you need the whole summary upfront, add a blank state (group) which contains all the summary for the others, and join it with sql. It will be printed at the beginning of your report
>>Hi everybody,
>>I have the following report:
>>Transaction Filing Dates - '30 Day' Timeliness Scorecard for MA...
>>Begining Issue Week: 200203 through Ending Issue Week: 200220
>>Registry      Issue Week  Latest Filing Date Pub Delay Timely
>>Barnstable    2002 03     12/14/2001          38        No
>>              2002 04     12/26/2001          33        No
>>Registry Average for Report Period: Avg Timeliness 72.22%
>>Massachusetts Average: Avg Timeliness all IssWeeks all registries 62.96%
>>I set up 4 report variables: Registry_Timely, Registry_Cnt (end on registry) and similar for report Rep_Timely Rep_Cnt (end on report).
>>The user requested to repeat Registry Summary info right before State Summary, so they don't have to flip through the stack of paper...
>>I explained, that it's quite complicated to achieve, but I'll try.
>>However, I don't see an idea at this moment, how to produce such report. May be you can help me?
>>Can I use two separate tables in one report?
>>Thanks a lot in advance.
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