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Answer sheet
25/08/2002 22:25:48
Dragan Nedeljkovich (Online)
Now officially retired
Zrenjanin, Serbia
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Visual FoxPro
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Jim, this looks too much like a cheat sheet - where's the wrong answers? I assume this is the invitation for us all to contribute as much as we can; it's known that the hardest part in the composition of tests is to provide wrong answers which would look almost like the right ones.

I won't try to supply all the wrong answers; among the many Foxers (or is it Foxen?) around the world, I figure we can make this list complete.

>What's Object Oriented Programming?
a) Object oriented programming is porgramming with objects like hammers and saws. ONe must be careful though because too large a hammer can damage the computer.

b) this is a trick question and should be properly spelled as "What's oBject oRiented pRoGramming?"

>What's an object in OOP?
a) The first letter (that is OOP, the O is the Object)
b) object is whatever is not the subject, i.e. the rest of the world except the user.

>Describe the following OOP concepts:
>- Class:
a) Being stylish as in having class.
b) Property of a train coach
c) property of a school
d) method of a school

>- Object:
>- Encapsulation
a) The preferred way to take aspirin for your headaches. Much easier to swallow than pills.

>- Properties
a) The little cards that you buy in the game Monopoly.
b) Virus warning before major damage follows, as in "geroff my property before I shoot you!"
b) things which close the software source, as in "to differ from open source software, the proprietary software..."
>- Methods
a) Ways to do stuff.
b) I am not a methodist and I refuse to answer this.

>- Polymorphism
a) The ability to change into other animals, like morphing into a cat.
b) Describes the various forms of software: it may come in a printed form, on a floppy, CD, DVD or can be downloaded.
c) Polyo is a disease spread by morphing software

>- Inheritance
a) The money your parents have for you that you can't use utnil they die.
b) The code the guy who quit hasn't finished, which I will inherit as my first workorder

>- Multiple inheritance
a) The same money only you have brothers and sisters that you must share it with.
b) More than one guy has quit and I get to inherit all of their leftovers

>From the above mentioned features, which ones are supported in VFP?
a) All of them
b) Most of them, but the public support is growing for the rest as well
c) The recent polls show that there's not as much support for features as there is for bugs
d) vice versa

>Describe how a class is defined in code in VFP.
a) A class is like, well, upper class and lower class. Upper class people wear nicer clothes.
b) First class, you learn the tables. Second class, you learn to make forms. Third class, you learn to write some code.
c) if you can define it in code, you're third class programmer; if you can also do it visually, you're second class, if you can do it without a computer, you're first class.

>What are visual classes?
a) The classes you wear so you can see better.
b) Ophtalmology class (but that's medical school, what's this, a trap question?)
c) Drawing class (same, art school)
>How do you create visual classes in VFP?
a) You go to lenscrafters and wait for about an hour.
b) You don't have to do anything special - they are all visual because this is VISUAL Foxpro. Classes created in FPD are non-visual.
c) write a school schedule app and create classes at will, visual, audio, PE, whatever.
d) You create a new political theory and devise new set of classes in it, one of them being visual. You don't need VFP for this, it can be done even in Access.

>How do you create custom classes as form insertable objects?
a) It is impolite to insert things into your forms.
b) You don't want to know how do I deal with customs.
c) Have you ever seen a customs' form? Nobody wants to insert anything there - the whole point is to omit as much as possible.

>In an object, how do you execute the class original code if you're adding code to the subclass?
a) Well this depends on what country you are in, some use hanging to execute folks, other use the electric chair.
b) I refuse to do anything until I see the conclusive evidence on the originality of the code.
c) The lower classes don't have any code, that's what makes them lower. They can only pretend to obtain some, and they will not get it from me.
>What Nodefault does?
>Gets you out of trouble sometimes, like "I am nodefault for that broken window."
>Define the Container and Control controls. What's the difference between them?
a) A container is something you put something in, like a flask and whiskey. Control is what you lose when you drink the whiskey.
b) A container control can contain the controls it contains, but a control control can't control the controls it contains.
c) The difference is purely linguistic, as in "the forest fire is controlled" and "the forest fire is contained", which have the same meaning.

>What's the purpose of the OleControl and OleBoundControl controls? What's the difference between them?
>OLE is what you shout at a bull fight. When the bull is bound up you can shout OLE Bound.
>What's the purpose of This and Parent operators?
a) Silly, I can't see what you have so how can I tell what "This" is.
b) this operator has parents who are not operators.
c) it's easy to operate parents, but try to operate this.

>What's the use of _ACCESS and _ASSIGN?
a) Access is that database Microsoft has. Assign is what you read on the outside of a store.
b) Access is what you need in order to assign yourself some rights - it's a security thing.
>Which reserved words do you use to define the visibility of properties and methods?
a) 20 20, partially blind, totally blind
b) I never use words which are reserved for other people; that's same as taking a seat someone has already paid reservation for. I use my own words.
c) I always keep a steady supply of words and never have to touch my reserves. Takes some planning, but it's feasible.
d) visibility can not be defined by words; it's measured in miles or yards (or metric measure units, in international apps)
e) Using time units - as in "the property can be seen M-F 9AM to 6PM".

>What are the commands to instantiate a class?
a) My motehr doesn;'t allow me to instantiate anything. She says that is dirty.
b) sit
c) stay
d) jump

>Can you subclass an ActiveX control?
a) Yes, take its money away.
b) Yes, deactivate it
c) Convert it to PassiveX using a third-party tool.
d) Leave it alone, then hire a taxonomist to trace its offspring and see if any new species arise from it.

>How can you add custom properties and methods to an ActiveX control in code?
a) Stuff is added to X stuff usually by a plastic surgeon
b) passivize it, do what it takes, reactivate it
c) you can do it only in penal code

>How can you add custom properties and methods to an ActiveX control in the visual class designer?
a) You should not be watching when X stuff is getting stuff added to it.
b) That's hopeless - it's ex-active, i.e. dead already.

>I hope this answer sheet is helpful to people.

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the first online autobiography, unfinished by design
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