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How to Add, Edit, Delete, Cancel Records
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Thanks Cathi

>Hi Ahmad,
>The SqlCommandBuilder can be used to automatically generated the three Command objects that you can assign to your DataAdapter object. One Command object that contains the Update statement. Another Command object that contains the Insert statement, and anther command object that contains the Delete statement. The GetUpdateCommand method of the CommandBuilder returns the Command object that contains the Update statement. You assign that to the DataAdapter's UpdateCommand property. In doing that, the DataAdapter knows how to perform an Update. You do the same thing for the Insert and Delete Command objects.
>>Thank you Cathi,
>>This was also helfull for me, I was stuck in there (missing the SqlCommandBuilder(sda)).
>>Only one doubt: I didn't understand the "SqlCommandBuilder & GetUpdateCommand" job, is it that, they will find what update method happened to the DataAdapter and will excute it in the database side?
>>Thanks again for the help.
>>>Here is some sample code that I am using this week for my ADO.NET session at Whilfest. It should answer your questions about how work with your data.
>>>Steps involved:
>>>Modify data inside of DataSet as necessary
>>>Call Update method of DataAdapter
>>>Call the AcceptChanges method of the DataSet
>>>Updating Data:
>>>Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM Authors “ & _
>>>	“Where au_lname='Green'"
>>>Dim sda As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, connStr)
>>>Dim scb As New SqlCommandBuilder(sda)
>>>sda.UpdateCommand = scb.GetUpdateCommand()
>>>Dim ds As New DataSet()
>>>Dim dr As DataRow
>>>sda.Fill(ds, "AuthorInfo")
>>>dr = ds.Tables("AuthorInfo").Rows(0)
>>>dr("au_fname") = "Lisa"
>>>If sda.Update(ds, "AuthorInfo") = 1 Then
>>>	ds.AcceptChanges()
>>>	ds.RejectChanges()
>>>End If
>>>Adding New Data:
>>>Dim ds As New DataSet(), dr As DataRow, dt As DataTable
>>>strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Authors Where 0=1"
>>>Dim sda As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, cnn)
>>>Dim scb As New SqlCommandBuilder(sda)
>>>sda.InsertCommand = scb.GetInsertCommand()
>>>sda.Fill(ds, "AuthorInfo")
>>>dt = ds.Tables("AuthorInfo")
>>>dr = dt.NewRow()
>>>dr("au_id") = "111-11-1111": dr("au_lname") = "Randell"
>>>dr("au_fname") = "Brian": dr("contract") = 0
>>>If sda.Update(ds, "AuthorInfo") = 1 Then
>>>  ds.AcceptChanges()
>>>  ds.RejectChanges()
>>>End If
>>>>I created a simple project using windowform and
>>>>Standard Wizards.
>>>>SqlConnection, SqlDataAdapter1 (Employees), SqlDataAdapter2 (JobType), SqlDataAdapter3 (JobTitle) and a DataSet with all 3 tables included in the generate dataset wizards.
>>>>Added SearchLastName(Textbox), SearchButton, DataGrid1 to display the results of the search and textboxes, Comboboxes and 5 buttons to the Form for the edits etc. for the detail fields.
>>>>The idea here is to:
>>>>(1) Type in the lastname and click search, Position the grid to the desired record and click the EDIT BUTTON to edit the textboxes/comboboxes (fields) and then CLICK BUTTON to update (save) changes to the record and to the datasource; Optionaly you can click the CANCEL BUTTON and that would undo the changes that you made to the textboxes etc.
>>>>(2) Position the grid to the desired record and click the DELETE BUTTON the selected record.
>>>>(3) Click the ADD BUTTON to add a new Record and SAVE BUTTON would add it to the datasource. Also the CANCEL BUTTON would allow to cancel the add record.
>>>>What is the proper coding for SQL DataApater and Datasets when a button is clicked to:
>>>>ADD a Record to the dataset for Employees table:
>>>>EDIT/CHANGE selected record in the dataset for Employees table:
>>>>SAVE Edits/Changes selected Record to the dataset for Employees table:
>>>>DELETE selected record in the dataset from the Employees table:
>>>>CANCEL Edits or Add to the dataset for the Employees table:

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