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Hi Tom,

From a quick glance at your header of your aspx page, it doesn't look right to me. If you create a new solution and look at the default page called "WebForm1", the header should look like the following:
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="WebForm1.aspx.vb" Inherits="VBWebApplication1.WebForm1"%>
As you can see, the default for the Codebehind file name (WebForm1) is the same name used inside the Inherits namespace. That isn't the case with your header. Your solution should definitely be executing the Page_Load event. Have you tried taking all the defaults for creating a new solution in VS.NET and try adding one control and a simple line of code in the Page_Load and confirm that it is firing?

>A little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing. This question may be beyond the ability to receive an answer on a user forum but what the heck! It might be easier to find a good book or take a good course on Visual Studio .NET.
>Specifically, I am working with ASP.NET at this point. Here is what I am doing:
>1. Web Form.
>2. Web Controls.
>3. Attach to a table.
>Here are my results.
>When I create a web form VS.NET enters a line of code into the first row:
>< % ERROR:  Page Language=”vb” AutoEventWireUp=”false” codebehind=”WebControls1.aspx.vb” Inherits=”WebApplication1.Webform2” % >
>I can then drop Web Controls on the form and position them in Design Mode exactly where I want them! This is outstanding! If I need to reposition them that is no problem. My clients change his/her minds every few hours and my ASP forms have over a hundred objects on them. I can see where ASP.NET could save me a great deal of time.
>However, I cannot get any code to fire from the Page_Load. All methods can be called from Script and work fine. Code related to data does not fire.
>So, what I did was to remove that first line of code and Page_Load fires as does code related to data. I can populate a datagrid and it looks very promising!
>When I go to reposition an object on the form is collapses to the bottom left of the form. Absolute Position code is gone and it behaves like a typical HTML control without Absolute Positioning.
>So I have to include that line of code ASP.NET creates to have Absolute Positioning and give up handling data and code called from Page_Load.
>Any suggestions from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

Cathi Gero, CPA
Prenia Software & Consulting Services
Microsoft C# / .NET MVP
Mere Mortals for .NET MVP
Weblog: blogs.prenia.com/cathi

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