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How to write this SQL Statement?
05/01/2003 20:53:52
F Bilo
Bilo Office
Fuyang, China
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Visual FoxPro
Databases,Tables, Views, Indexing and SQL syntax
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>Thanks Nadya, I tried the FastXTab, but it seemed can't be used with temp cursor, Is this true?

I don't remember, if the source must be a table or could be a cursor. It doesn't seem logical to have this limitation, but I'm not sure. I'll check tomorrow the code at work, and also hope, that Alexander Golovlev (the author) can shed some light, if there is a problem...

Ok, I've checked the code right now. Here is at the top of the program:
define class FastXtab as custom
	cOutFile = "xtabquery"	&& The name of the output file
	lCursorOnly = .f.		&& Specifies whether the input datasource is cursor
	lCloseTable = .t.		&& Specifies whether to close the source datasource after the cross tab is generated
	nPageField = 0		&& Specifies the field position in the datasource of the cross tab pages
	nRowField = 1			&& Specifies the field position in the datasource of the cross tab rows
	nColField = 2			&& Specifies the field position in the datasource of the cross tab columns
	nDataField = 3		&& Specifies the field position in the datasource of the cross tab data
	lTotalRows = .f.		&& Specifies whether to total rows in the cross tab output
	nTotalOption = 0        && Totaling options (0-sum, 1-count, 2-% of total).
	lDisplayNulls = .f.		&& Specifies whether to display null values in the cross tab output
	lBrowseAfter = .f.		&& Specifies whether to open a Browse window on the cross tab output
	SumTotalFld =	C_SUMFIELD_LOC && Name of the Total Field if Option is set to 0 - sum
	CountTotalFld =	C_COUNTFIELD_LOC && Name of the Total Field if Option is set to 1 - count
	PercTotalFld =	C_PERCENTFIELD_LOC && Name of the Total Field if Option is set to 2 - % of total
	cCountFldType   = "N"
	nCountFldLen	= 4
	nCountFldDec	= 0
	cPercentFldType = "N"
	nPercentFldLen	= 7
	nPercentFldDec	= 3
Note the property lCursorOnly. I guess, it should be set to true, if you want to use cursor as source table.

BTW, I made some changes in the original program to include totaling options... Still hope, that Alexander will find time to post updated version...
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