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VFP6 security patch via Setup Wizard
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>>> (snip)
>>>>I'll never forget the first time you helped me. A bunch of other very prominent guys were shooting from the hip and just didn't seem to get what I was driving at. Only you stuck with it until I was satisfied, and it wasn't a trivial problem. Thanks, for that too.
>>>Hey, I do what I can to help. A lot of people did the same for me when I was just getting started. When asked how I could re-pay them, they uniformly said, "Do the same for someone else".
>>Well, you've certainly lived up to that advice, George, and we are very fortunate for that. I wish I could say the same for myself, but I find it difficult to make the time to be so helpful, not to mention that I have nowhere near your level of expertise. Still, I'm conscious of the issue, and I try to do at least this much: think about how to incorporate some generally useful content in my questions. A good piece of discussion becomes a valuable resource. Also, I'm more inclined to help when I think that a question to which I happen to know the answer is likely to go unanswered, e.g. because the usual bevy of experts is not around.
>Don't worry about who's on-line and isn't. If you know the answer, there's no guarantee that someone else does.

Yes, but one gets to recognizing the familiar questions and the people who know the answers. It's the unusual ones that are more likely to draw a response from me, if I happen to know the answer. Also, I don't like to leave people helpless when I know that the expert coverage is light. Otherwise, I must restrain myself, or I can't get any work done. I don't like to shoot from the hip.

>>We're lucky to have guys like you, and the unbelievable Sergey B., and untold others watching out for us and giving help so freely. I don't know how you do it, but for me the challenge is to avoid getting too involved in such diversions. There must be a lot of very talented people we hardly ever hear from, who would like to be more helpful, but are struggling from day to day with their own problems, just trying to survive. Who knows, maybe the biggest expert of them all is someone we've never heard of, yet.
>This is true. For myself, I find that researching someone else's problem often provides me with knowledge I didn't have before. It also may cause me to re-think my own designs and change them for the better. Besides, I love solving problems. One of Ed's old sig lines, which was very appropriate to programmers came from the movie Pulp Fiction which he loved: "My name is Winston Wolfe. I solve problems".

There are many ways to learn, including as a silent lurker. I like to solve problems, too. The problem is, I've got more than enough of my own problems. Most of what I learn is the result of researching problems that I defined for myself.

>>It's important to be able to keep an open mind, read people's messages carefully, and to make judgments for yourself, without relying on prior knowledge or other people's opinions. Especially, we native English speakers need to be careful not to be misled by the semi-literate utterances of those who barely speak English as a second language. I know you are aware of this. It amazes me how the masters can figure out exactly what someone was asking, when I can't even begin to decipher the question.
>Absolutely! When I make a comment about someone else's coding, it's to instruct. I had a situation to-day like that.
>We're in the process of switching to .NET and VFP from PowerBuilder. I'm learning PB for the purpose of helping support the applications until they've been migrated. One of the contract programmers had written the following code in the Click event of a checkbox. I've translated it to VFP syntax
IF This.Value THEN
>  llflag = .T.
>  llflag = .F.
At first, there were some questions about my proposed change
llflag = This.Value
Finally, the light bulbs went on.:-)

That's funny. The first thing that came to my mind was an IIF()! Your solution is better, of course. :)

>Lastly, being pretty much monoligual, I try hard not to jump to any conclusions based on someone's (non-native English or otherwise) command of the language. They've done more than I ever have.

Same here. What's interesting is to watch an exchange between two non-English speakers in English. They tend to understand each other better than I do!


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