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MONTAGE - why is it helpful?
30/01/2003 17:05:46
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Visual FoxPro
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Sorry, I missed the point about your having deleted the folder. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem you described. What I did was to create an empty montage with a single unopened Shortcut, and I opened its Shortcut Properties dialog. Then I closed and reopened the montage repeatedly. Is that essentially the same test you are trying? It would be helpful to know what version of Windows and IE you are running under. If you have another machine available, it may behave differently, which would be interesting. (Most of my testing has been under Win2K Pro and Win95.) The About dialog has a bunch of information that you can easily copy (e.g. right click on the editbox and choose Copy All). I'd appreciate it if you could paste that info into an email to me.

Thanks very much for testing my program and reporting the results. It's a great service to me. I hope we can resolve this strange problem before you lose interest! If you've already reached that point, I'm disappointed, but very grateful for the time you've already spent.


>Hi Mike,
>I said before, that I deleted the montage folder. So all the file in that folder is deleted. Including Montage.mo3, FPT & CDX. Than I created a new folder and reinstall. Still that happen.
>But now I tried again. redelete the Montage folder (all files, including Montage.mo3, FPT & CDX). Restart the computer, and reinstall. Now it's ok. So I guess there was a leak in memory after the C5 error. Than I try to drag & drop from explorer, it works well. But after I close & open the program several times. I can't close the shorcut properties dialog again. Something weird is happening here...
>Well.. I'm gonna try again later
>>Hi Herman,
>>I'm delighted that you tried it out! Sorry you ran into some trouble, but I'll try to help you get around this. Be sure to take a look at the Montage Knowledge Base page for information about known problems and limitations, if you haven't already.
>>You may well have a screwed up default metafile, in which case the remedy is to simply delete it or use a different one. Assuming you ran the standard full setup, the shortcut on your destop would be a link to montage3.exe in the Montage program directory. This method of invocation opens the metafile (aka the montage) named montage.mo3 in that same directory, creating it if not found. Note that there will also be an accompanying FPT and CDX. Deleting those three files will allow you to create a fresh one. I strongly doubt that anything more (such running the whole setup again) would be necessary to fix any corruption.
>>Did you try creating Shortcuts by the simpler procedure of dragging and dropping links, folders, or files into Montage? I haven't seen any problems such as you described in closing the Shortcut Properties dialog. My guess is that this is related to the screwed up metafile resulting from a previous error. Frequent use of View, Save helps to assure that you have a clean, recent snapshot. Also note that you can use View, Save As... to create additional montages. (You'll want to define an association for the .MO3 extension to be able to open montages through Explorer.)
>>The particular C0000005 error you mentioned sounds like it could be the intermittent bug I refer to in editing Shortcut title via Properties Dialog occasionally crashes with a C00000FD error. Unfortunately, when you create a new Shortcut via the Properties dialog, the first data entry field you see is the offending Title field. If you move the Shortcut Properties dialog to reveal the Shortcut itself, you can adjust its title directly, without using the Properties dialog to alter this particular field. I hate this bug!! As luck would have it, it's an easy trap to fall into. Either way, whether it's that bug or one I'm not aware of, I'd like to know about it so I can fix it.
>>When you say "make it as an object for our own application", I can imagine a few different approaches to address this. My most immediate objective, though, is simply to create tool that would be genuinely useful to any Windows "power user", not specifically aimed at VFP developers. Of course, most VFP developers are power users, so they are an entirely appropriate audience even at the end-user level.
>>>Hi Mike,
>>>I already tried your program and I found a few minor bugs.
>>>First, I got a "Fatal error C0000005". What I did is right-click in Montage and create a shortcut. After I specified an exe file to run, click "OK" then I got the error. I don't remember what I did before that. And I can't reproduce the error again.
>>>After I got that error, now I can't close the window properties. Almost everytime I open the window/shortcut properties, the window can't be close by click on "OK" button, or Close (X) button. I thought maybe the data is corrupted. So I delete the Montage folder and reinstall it, still it happen.
>>>This is an exciting program. I think if you can give an option to make it as an object for our own application it will be more useful.
>>>PS: Jim, I'm sorry to jump in the middle of this thread. But since I think it is still related to "Montage", I just go with this thread rather than open another thread :)

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