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One voice in Congress
20/02/2003 14:05:49
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>>LOL! No I do not want a German (descent) as our Monarch. Do we have a choice? I think an American Indian should rule this nation.
>Oh God no! Then our president would expect everything to be given to him for free to make up for the past. The nation's debt would increase tenfold...
>(I have relatives living on a reservation and they get a new Ford truck every year believe it or not! They keep shooting out the windows of their house, but the truck looks good)
>I am sure to incense a lot from this post, but I am speaking my personal opinion from my personal experience. While we as a nation are guilty of MANY things in the past (present and future too), I am not responsible for all of those past tragedies and I do not condone them. I have ancestors and relatives that work(ed) to improve the Indian's plight and ancestors that fought to end slavery in the past and worked for equality in protests, wars, and letters to congressman. They never got a 'Thank you' and yet too many want me to help pay for past abuses that my ancestors neither took part in nor condoned. Equality has to be worked for on BOTH sides. Nothing is free in life and should not be to anyone. This is not a Socialist country and shouldn't be. Ok, I'm off my soapbox now...
>Oh yeah, i wanted Alan Keyes for president, but that doesn't look like a possiblity anytime soon!


I am a Democrat and have high regard for Alan Keyes and would vote for him for President. For the past few weeks I have been entertaining the idea to ask him if he will become a Democrat and run against the Republican Candidate for President, whom ever that should be.

I have Irish Catholic relatives that fought for the United States in the Civil War. As a group more Irish Catholics were killed than any other. So I feel enough death and destruction of lives and property has occurred and the subject of reparations to descendents of slaves is one that is inconsiderate of our nation. Get on with life and do not live in the past.

If you want to blame anyone for slavery please include the African Chiefs, Arabs, and Portuguese for a major part of the activity that went on.

By the way I do not have any ancestors who came over on the Mayflower, but I have relatives who greeted them as they landed. Just kidding – I am Irish, Polish, Scot, English and American Indian. I feel like the United Nations at least as I think the United Nations should feel. Never hate any people because chances are you are related.


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