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Saddam and the United Nations: A Conversation
25/02/2003 12:46:17
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Do not worry I am just one of the ignorant people who learn from the Media, what they want me to know. Granted no two sources of the Media agree or give the same facts. What is interesting between your version and mine is that they are both being stated as fact by television news services. I always ask, “What really happened and why”? I can assure you I only know what the gods want us to know, from which ever news service I happen to listen to and watch.

For “a true state of enlightenment”, try watching the BBC, DW (German), Telemundo (Spanish), PBS, CNN, Fox, and local news. Talk about different versions of the same story! Do we get to choose the version we like? :)

I know people that will say, "What is your news source"? If you say, CNN, they will reply laughing - "Oh that is *&$%^$&! You should listen to Fox - they tell it like it is"! If you say Fox, they will reply laughing - "Oh that is *&$%^$&! You should listen to CNN - they tell it like it is"! I think all the news sources are suspect.


P.S. The versions I expressed in my post came from CNN yesterday. Interesting?

>I enjoy your posts but you dissappoint me this time Tom.
>>All this going on while a North Korean fighter plane violates South Korean air space, and North Korea shoots a guided missile towards Japan which lands in the Sea of Japan. Powell states: No plans to invade N. Korea.
>This was a short-range test and North Korea gave notice in advance they would test a short-range missile in the Sea of Japan. We deemed it innocuous not 'ok.' It is purely a political move on behalf of N Korea.

>>President Roh of South Korea suggested to Powell that the United States and North Korea sit down and talk. The United States refuses to talk to North Korea.
>The U.S. government stated that it would participate in multilateral talks (amongst Japan, North Korea, the U.S., and other countries), instead of bilateral talks with North Korea solely between the U.S. and North Korea. This is NOT a refusal to discuss the issues. It is simply a refusal to make the issue strictly a U.S./N Korea issue.

>>North Korea building and testing ICBM’s (1998 an ICBM missile was launched over Japan) and shorter-range missiles, resuming its nuclear program, having nuclear bombs, threading the world with war, and selling missiles to other countries are actions that are condoned by the United States. There is no need to discuss these activities, as they are acceptable.
>I have not heard nor read anything by our government that states that we condone this. In fact, didn't the Pretender call North Korea part of the 'axis of evil?'

>>Why are we interested in destroying Iraq and deposing Saddam Hussein? Well, they have weapons of mass destruction (wmd) and missiles that can fly about 120 miles without a guidance system, rather than the UN limit of 93 miles, and they are not a democratic society. The problem is that we cannot find the wmd’s so we have to go to war.
>I read online and heard on the news that the missile was tested at 500 miles, not 120. I also heard on the news this morning that Saddam refused to dismantle his missiles anyway. Talk about complying... We are not going to war simply because we cannot find the WMDs. There are many reasons for possibly using military action. Where have you been all of these months?

>>In the case of North Korea, we know where everything is located so that is alright. The president of North Korea is not a problem as he has a mind like a child.
>Briefly (I'm getting tired of this discussion and don't want to cover everything AGAIN)
>While I do not disagree that N Korea is a real threat, this is a tactic they have employed successfully in the past (although not to this degree). We have successfully negotiated with North Korea many times. It typically goes something like this:
>North Korea agrees to certain conditions.
>North Korea breaks their agreement.
>We impose sanctions on N Korea.
>North Korea threatens to do worse if we do not give them money, food, etc.
>We give North Korea what it asks for.
>North Korea settles down without losing face.
>This has happened numerous times and war was averted over and over again with North Korea. While a sad way to get what we and they want, it works. When has Saddam every negotiated or debated anything? When he murdered his son in laws? When he sent missiles to Iran? When he poisoned the Kurds? When he killed his own dissidents? Of course these tactics employed with North Korea mean that war was avoided but it also means that N Korea has gotten what they wanted AGAIN. And so it goes... I suppose you think war would be better? That does not make sense when you don't support the U.S. taking military action against Iraq when the goal of the Iraqi leader is to destroy the infidels of the west - isn't that us?

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