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Dictators and the Ideal World
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I have many friends from “Latin America”, and my wife is from Peru. Your examples are typical of what I have experienced, discussed with others and read about. For some reason I tend to equate the good a political regime has accomplished as opposed to the bad.

However, for some reason the people (as you so accurately stated, the media and academic world) see things differently. The fabric of the people is turned from remembering and enhancing good deeds to hatred for the person who accomplished positive things for their country.

Thank you for your input.


>The problem with dictators (all of them) is that whatever we learn from them comes from either teachers or the media, and these happen to be the two single groups of people MOST threatened by totalitarianism.
>The most recent dictator in Venezuela (where I grew up) was Perez Jimenez, who was in power from 1952 to 1957 (if I remember correctly).
>In school I was taught unequivocally that he was a bad person. That's what the teachers and books said over and over.
>My parents and the parents of my schoolmates lived through his government. They all missed him. During his short term (as compared to other, more successful dictators) he managed to pretty much BUILD the country's infrastructure (highways, industry, you name it).
>After he was ousted, all these projects were forgotten by those who came afterwards, probably to erradicate any positive reminders of his government.
>The following 40 days where not a democracy, but a cleptocracy, where everybody stole whatever they could and now the crime rate in venezuela results in 9000 deaths per year (that's about 25 people EVERY DAY).
>Interestingly, I've heard similar stories from friends whose parents lived under Pinochet's rule in Chile.
>>On the topic of "dictators" there have been a few in world history that did positive things for society. However, typically such individuals were either killed or fled for their lives. Some dictators take power, while others are elected. Sometimes elections will have only one candidate running for the office of Head of State. On occasion a dictator has appointed himself for yet another term in office.
>>I can think of a few dictators who actually used money given by the United States to build schools, hospitals and hiways, which was the intended purpose. What is interesting is that such individuals are taught to be despised in their own countries. There must be a message there. What is expected of a dictator is to be corrupt and anything else is not acceptable. The more corrupt the leader the more esteem he or she has enjoyed from his or her people.
>>Politics in the Americas have been decided through a variety of means within the last few hundred years. Monarchy, democracy, communism, juntas, barracks revolts, revolutions, and civil wars come to mind. Too often the will of the people has little or no value and the military will decide the course of events.
>>If the National Debt becomes too large then nationalize or absorb the assets and material objects of the entity that you owe. Then borrow more money from other nations. Blame the other nations for your failings and not the people in power. Be sure you do not pay back the money you borrowed or the interest on it. Put it into a Swiss Bank Account and you will be reelected and immortalized. The people will love you and hate the United States for its evil deed of loaning money to a poor nation or giving it monetary aid.
>>Yes, it is the fault of the United States and the World Bank that nations borrow money without the means or intent to pay it back. We must realize that the value systems of other nations are not like our own. We expect to be paid pack when another nation borrows money from us.
>>The world is chaos and there is no one model. Trying to marry the world into one mold is a daunting task. With different social, economic, political and religious values it is difficult to address all topics with the respect they deserve and demand. What is needed is one economic system, which will then make two classes that will be very distinct. Slaves and Masters. Religious values as well as politics will not exist, as there will be no time for such things. Just continue moving and keep the cash registers ringing. Keep the Masters happy. They deserve our love, understanding and complete loyalty.
>>Now where is the ideal world? That will exist when we are all of the same economic class - slaves. There can be no master as that will mean discontent.

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