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The French and Unilateralism
05/03/2003 13:54:13
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It is obvious to me that:

1. You did not read my previous posts on war with Iraq.
2. You did not understand what I said.

The President of France expressed his displeasure at the position taken by nations who wish to become members of the EU, for taking the side of the United States. Perhaps you agree with what he said and its implications. I personally do not think such dialogue is called for and see it as a threat.

What the President of France said in my opinion has greater implications than my words, which were very mild indeed! But again you may not agree. That is your preference.

I can't afford to express my political thougts here in UT (guess is against the rules <s>). My point is to be respectfull with some country's people even if you disagree with something said or done by their governants.

Lets remember that we are all fellow VFP devellopers, and that should mean something <s>

What do I think about what Chirac said? In a "wholesale" analisys I'd rather prefer what Chirac says than what Bush says (let me repeat: "in a "wholesale" analisys...", not taking something specific).

Remember last week's speech of Bush at the Industry Institute (or something like that)? I watched the beginning of it on TV (yes!, we watch foreign channels). As we say about some football players in Brazil: "he played for the audience". Bush said four words and paused, watched, delighted, the audience. First at right then at left, slowly... Next four more words. Pause. Look the audience. Then... He was playing for the audience so he had to observ the reaction of it. The reaction? Clap, clap, clap... even before he finished each group of four words!

Talking about threats: the US government (see, I don't say the "americans", I say the US government) is the top master of threats. I'd like to know what'll will happen to Turkey after their refusal of accepting US troops in their territory (a people's choice? If so we must applaud it - a demonstration of democracy, very well received, isn't it?). Or you believe there will be no "sanctions", previouslly told to them?

NATO is ruining, UN is considered obsolete or useless. Due to what? Not to what Chirac said or did, but due to the prepotence of the US government (see...). Why? Each world's citizen has his/her own response.


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