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What the *other side* is saying...
08/03/2003 07:55:09
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>>>Since 9/11 your "religious right" has been only too anxious to remove Muslims from the face of the earth.
>>That is nothing but complete B.S.
>1. Commenting before/during/after the service at the National Cathedral shortly after 9/11 (the Friday, I think) was Franklin Graham. When it was over and they were summing up, FG said to Judy Woodruff that this was such an egregious act that it warranted the use of any and all weapons to deliver retribution. It was easy for me to conclude that this was an opportunity to address his religious foes that he just couldn't pass up.
>2. Pat Robertson, as recently as 3 months back, was telling whoever who would listen (through articles and radio and an appearance on Larry King) that the Muslim faith promoted death to the infidel.
>Now I'm NOT plugged in to the religious shenanigans that go on down there, but it follows in my mind that if two powerful leaders such as these are spreading words like that, then surely countless others are following their lead.
>Both fine examples of Christianity!


The following must be said with a “deep southern accent” to be authentic.

This is Billy Joe Estes, your television pastor from the “Save a Soul” church. Send me your money brethren and you will go to heaven! Hallelujah! Send me more money and I will pray for you! For an additional sum of money you may have our “free literature” which I know you will enjoy! You can also send money to buy a time-share for our new amusement park.

Now brethren, remember to hate those Catholics and that Pope guy who never gets things right, except that one time he agreed with us on abortion. Remember that Pope is a disciple of the devil! Now as for all those other non-believers, well … no comment!

You may send cash, check, money order or call our toll free numbers at the bottom of our screen and give us your credit card number. We will do the rest. Hallelujah!

Now for anyone who thinks any of the above comments are not true you are wrong! The statements above have been made by specific religious television evangelists more than once. You see it is a way of life for some. Teach hatred, take peoples money in the name of God and you will be loved by certain of the masses. You will also be allowed to say what ever you want on television and be welcomed back.

I remember the messages of hatred expressed by several television evangelists after 9-11. This continued even after the announcement that many of those killed at the WTC were Muslims.

We are a nation of misfits and our nation was created and is populated by mal contents that could not get along with societies from throughout the world. Put people together that have different backgrounds, political and religious beliefs and you get the melting pot known as the United States.

The people who have migrated here throughout our history are not the same as those that are to be found in the countries from which they came. People that live here do so because they want a different way of life. This includes materialism and credit purchases to make you dependant upon consumer debt to be happy. The true god of the United States is the almighty greenback!


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